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Harry Styles

I dreamt about Delilah last night. She consumes all of my thoughts and now my dreams.

I was doing all of these nice things in my dream like cooking for her and dancing with her in my kitchen. I don't do that.

The way it ended though is what woke me up, spoiler alert I accidentally killed her. I literally stabbed her with the knife I cooked with. The look on her face was something I could never get out of my head.

A hand comes in front of me waving in my face "Dude, you good?" I blink a couple times and bring my attention back to Zayn, "My bad. Let's get this over with, yeah?"

We grab our guns and stuff them in our jackets and throw the bags in the trunk of the car, "You know, we should really have Lilah come with us. You know she needs the practice and what better way than to start when we're kidnapping someone?" Niall suggests.

"For one, we aren't kidnapping him and for two, there's nothing for her to learn yet. She needs more practice in the fighting department not the kidnapping one." Zayn throws back at Niall.

"If we're not kidnapping him then what the fuck are we doing? Playing mermaids?" Niall argues making Liam and Louis chuckle beside him in the back seat.

I cover my fist over my mouth to stop my laugh from coming out which makes Zayn scoff from the passenger seat. "We are going to talk to him first. If he doesn't cooperate then that's when we do what needs to be done." He explains.

We finally pull up to his house, which is a mansion might I add, and grab the bag that we brought full of rope and tape. Yeah, this is definitely kidnapping.

Even though it's dark, we can't take any chances so we put our hoods up and cover our faces with bandanas and climb over the fence to his backyard to go in from the back.

I'm the first to go over after throwing the bag, then Zayn follows me. Niall is the last to go and as he gets his foot over he slips and falls to the ground on his back, "Shit!" He groans while rolling over in pain which makes all of us besides Zayn laugh.

"Dude shut the fuck up!" Zayn scolds him with a whisper shout beside me as Louis goes to help him up. "Oh I'm sorry, did me bruising my tailbone fuck up your plan?" Niall sarcastically says while wiping the grass from his pants.

"Stop arguing and let's go, Jesus Christ." I pinch the bridge of my nose and walk towards his deck that leads to the back door.

I whistle at Liam and hold my hand out in front of him, "Give me the shit." He reaches into the bag and hands me a pry bar to open the locked sliding door. Once I stick it in between the opening I pull it and it slides open, "Voilà." I hold my hands up by my sides at the skill.

"He is probably sleeping so we need to take what we need to bring back to Luca and then we will get him." Zayn goes over the plan for the tenth time. "Oh so now you're resorting to the kidnapping plan?" Niall argues again. Zayn rolls his eyes but ignores him and walks inside.

We grab any valuables we think are worth something and shove them in the bag, which consists of jewelry and money that he had a full closet stacked with. This guy is a fucking rookie. "What about that?" Louis speaks up, we direct our eyes to what he's pointing at and see a painting.

"Maybe it's worth something." He shrugs. I walk up to it and inspect it, "It could be but this is the thing we collect last. Get the guy first." They listen to my order and walk up the staircase.

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