353 5 14

Harry Styles

We have a mission today. Tour starts in three days—it was scheduled to start tomorrow but there's supposed to be bad storms on the day we fly in so we pushed the dates back a little bit considering our first stop is all the way over on the east coast.

I haven't mentioned the incident with Delilah that happened a few days ago to her again or anyone else, because it's nobody else's business and if she wants to talk more about it with me then she will if she's comfortable.

But everything makes sense now, now that she explained it.

I haven't told her this—and I don't plan on it, but the guys did some research on her before she officially became associated with us.

They found out that she had done some stuff in her past that looked like it was trying to be swept away, it was very secretive information. They all had bets on what it was but in the moment I didn't give a shit.

Now that I know what it was, I feel like a terrible person. And I know that if they found out, then they would too.

She still has a bandage over her wrist but she's been covering it up with long sleeves to hide it.

We are all piled into my car on the way to the alley across from the bank wearing our disguises already.

I pull into the back entrance of the alley and park the car to face towards the bank. I turn to Delilah in the passenger seat, "Alright, I know you don't want to but I need you to stay in the car for this one and be the getaway driver."

"What, why? I can help." She gets defensive.

"Because we all have guns and we have to be quick with it. This is a scary part and without training you can't just waltz in there like you own the place when you have nothing to protect yourself with." I explain to her.

She rolls her eyes and sits back into her seat, "Fine but if I leave without you guys you can't be mad at me. You can hitchhike your asses back." She mutters and they laugh quietly from the back.

I put my hand on her shoulder, "We will be quick, I promise."

We get out of the car as she climbs to the drivers seat, "Take your time! Maybe even get shot while you're at it!" She shouts out of the window as we walk away. I walk backwards with my finger pointed at her, "Will you take care of me if I do?" I grin.

She smiles while flipping me off and I laugh, turning back around to catch up to the guys.

"We do need to get her a gun, I don't know why you haven't yet." Louis points out and I shrug, "I don't really know either. She's never really needed to use one," Niall cuts me off, "Except when she was getting shot at by those guards at the museum."

I squint my eyes at him, "Good point."

We walk around the back entrance of the bank instead of going through the front so we can get in quieter. We all wrap our bandanas over our nose and mouth and take out our guns, "1..2..3" I swing the door open and we all run in.

"Everybody get on the goddamn ground!" Niall shouts with a deep voice. People start screaming once they realize what's happening and shield their heads with their arms.

"Either you cooperate or we fucking shoot you!" Louis point his gun at scared people sitting on the ground.

Liam and Zayn run to the computers while Louis and Niall point their guns at people threatening them with words I can't hear.

I run to the vault awaiting the code, "Hurry up!" I shout to Liam and Zayn.

"We're trying! It's a fucking process!" Zayn yells back.

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