A normal day

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Chapter 1: A normal day

3 years later. Rain Village.

The sunlight passes through the open window as the morning breeze moves the white curtain in the room. It is peaceful and quiet.

Or not.

Suddenly, a hesitant knock on the door sounded from outside the room. The person on the bed tried to ignore it and pull the blanket to completely cover himself.

"Boss? Boss!" Wang Meng knocked continuously when he didn't hear any sound inside the room. Wu Xie furiously sits up, no longer thinking of sleeping longer. He really regrets letting this person visit them.

"I'm up! Don't knock anymore. If you continue to knock again I will deduct your bonus this month!" Wu Xie angrily shouted. Wang Meng immediately stops and left, thinking of his salary and bonuses. Then he suddenly thought, he owns the shop now. But thinking of his boss' temper, he can only walk away.

Wu Xie heard footsteps going further away and walked inside the bathroom to refresh himself. After that, he came out of the room and sat down on the sofa of the house. Wang Meng immediately put breakfast on the coffee table, no surprise, it was instant noodles.

It's been 3 years since Thunder City. Now, Wu Xie retired from tomb-robbing, or more like finding his Third Uncle, and just continued living his life here in Rain Village.

Speaking of Third Uncle, even if most of the evidence shows the possibility of him being dead, Wu Xie is still leaning toward the idea that he is not. Thinking about him now, he scoffs. 'That old fox. If he suddenly appeared in front of me later, I would not be that surprised anymore.'

"Tianzhen! Oh! You're already eating breakfast. You didn't wait for this Pangye!" Pangzi shouted from the front door of the house, then walked fast and sat down beside me energetically. He signals to Wang Meng for his share of breakfast and looks at me. He ignored him and continued eating his meal. After a while, Wang Meng came back.

"Here's your noodles, Pangye." Pangzi takes it and turns again to Wu Xie, who keeps ignoring him and finishing his noodles. Wu Xie put the bowl on the table and poured some tea, drinking in a daze, not even answering the waiting fatty. Pangzi waits for him to put down the cup and pat his back.

"Ouch! What are you doing-- wait, you're here." Wu Xie said innocently, eyes slightly widened to show his surprise.

"Of course. I'm here, Tianzhen. I've been asking you for a long time but you ignored me. Hmph." Wu Xie laughs at his sulking.

"Pangzi. You are already old, don't try to act cute using your face. If I'm still drinking tea, I would have sprayed it on your face." Fatty touched his face and moved away from Wu Xie.

"Aya, Tianzhen! You're being unkind, ah. Don't try to do it on my handsome face." Wu Xie turned away from him and chuckled.

"Stupid Pangzi, you're at it again."

Wu Xie stood up and walked outside to stretch. He closes his eyes and feels the morning breeze, the fresh air in the mountains or the forest sure felt peaceful.

"Wu Xie." A pleasant, deep voice suddenly calls Wu Xie from behind.

He kept his eyes close, trying to calm down the feelings that suddenly appeared when he heard that voice.

'It's him. He's back!'

After making sure to reign his feelings, he turned to the man who always plagues his mind and his dreams, the man who's always there to protect him.

Zhang Qiling watched as Wu Xie turned around after being silent for a while. A smile forms on his beautiful face, the expression he wants to see Wu Xie wearing all the time.

"Xiaoge, you're back." Wu Xie watches as the silent man hums as an answer, and the small curve of his lips shows his feelings at the moment.

The two of them continue to look at each other. Silently enjoying the feeling of being together again.

"Okay. You two stop it already." Pangzi's voice suddenly sounded, completely breaking the atmosphere in the front yard. Wu Xie secretly glares at Fatty and walks inside the house as Zhang Qiling follows, eyes still on Wu Xie. Pangzi watches them walk away and silently mutters something about 'pingxie' and 'priorities' but they ignore him.

"Aya, Xiaoge! I miss you, ah. Without you, the world is so dull, especially someone else's world." Pangzi said as he sat down on the only single couch in the room, leaving the two of them to sit beside each other.

"Stupid Pangzi, shut up. Be careful of your old bones, or you might break them." Wu Xie glared at Fatty to stop spouting nonsense and he glares back, pointing at the silent male beside him. He frowned and turned to Zhang Qiling.

"Xiaoge, are you done with your business?" The handsome male nodded. Wu Xie notices he looks travel-worn but still relaxed as he puts down his sword beside the table. He poured some tea and gestured to Zhang Qiling to drink. He smiles at Wu Xie and drinks it. Unlike him and Pangzi, Xiaoge still takes some jobs once in a while, and usually, it was Hei Xiazi who was asking him.

"Xiaoge, you don't know when you are not here, Tianzhen was always bullying me and Wang Meng. He only treats us with instant noodles, I'm getting sick of it already." Pangzi complained to Xiaoge, showing a pitiful face. Wu Xie widens his eyes.

"Pangzi! It was you--- wait a minute." Wu Xie stopped talking and reached his hands into his pants pocket to get his phone and look at the name of the caller. Su Wan's name pops out and he raises an eyebrow, finding it strange. Usually, when the three kids have something, it would be Li Cu who would call him. He clicks the answer button and greets the kid.

"What's the matter, Su Wan? It's rare for you to call me on your own." Wu Xie asked, slightly teasing. This kid is closer to Hei Xiazi than me so this call is rare.

"Boss Wu! It's Li Cu! Something happened to him!"

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