Tang Lou (2)

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Chapter 39: Tang Lou (2)

The trio turned in its direction and saw the door open widely as a man walked inside the room followed by the secretary they met a while ago. The leading man was wearing a black suit without a tie. He was wearing a kind smile that reaches his eyes, which gives people a sincere feeling toward anyone. He raised both his hands to shake their hands, which made Wang Meng and Liu Sang notice a silver ring on his left ring finger.

"I'm Tang Lou by the way. My secretary told me you want to talk about Wang Pangzi?" The trio sat down after Tang Lou signaled them. His secretary took a teacup from the tray and put it in front of Tang Lou before pouring some tea on it.

"Yes. We would like to know about his experience staying here." Wang Meng answered while looking at Tang Lou hesitantly. He watches as Tang Lou raises the teacup and smells it before taking a sip.

"Oh... Okay, what is it?" Tang Lou said. His face told them his slight confusion about being asked but agreed anyway.

"How was Pangzi when he was talking with you? You know, his state?" Wang Meng asked.

"Well." He put down his teacup on the table before crossing his legs. "He was the same as I know him. Cheerful, loud, friendly, and extremely talkative. Throughout our business deal this time, we met two times. The day he got here and the next day, where we appraised the goods. And both times, he seemed to be his usual self."

"Really?" Kan Jian said. Internally, he is in disbelief. He knows that PangYe is a smart one. He must know that something is definitely wrong with the situation because of what happened to Li Cu. Li Cu said Pangzi was even the one who acts like a broken recording after repeatedly telling Wu Xie and Li Cu to take care of themselves before he left.

'But if he did know something, why did he remain here? Why did he even agree to this business in the first place?'

Kan Jian hides his frustration with a blank look on his face as he listens to his two friends continue conversing with Tang Lou. Tang Lou was silent for a while before patting his thigh as if remembering something and turning to them.

"Now that you asked me about that. There was this one time I thought Mr. Wang was strange." Their attention was piqued at the additional words.

"When is that Mr. Tang?" Wang Meng asked, a little anxiousness hidden in his voice.

"I think it happens when we finish the deal during dinner. He seems to be in a daze after receiving a text or something that caused me to ask him if he has a problem. He did not say anything, but immediately left the restaurant after the meal." Liu Sang raised an eyebrow at that information and turned to Wang Meng, who was also looking at him before they watched Tang Lou intently as he continued his words.

"I even asked my driver to take him back to the hotel because I'm afraid something will happen to him since we had a drink, right Secretary Xiao?" Tang Lou turned to Secretary Xiao to check if what he said was right and got a nod as a reply.

"Yes, boss. That indeed happened. I was even tasked to take Mr. Wang to the parking lot up to the entrance of his hotel room since he was already intoxicated." Secretary Xiao said calmly, to which Tang Lou agreed.

"That thoughtful?" Liu Sang smiled with meaning as he looked at Tang Lou and then shifted to the calm Secretary Xiao. The more he looked, the more suspicious he found this boss and secretary. It's as if they knew something, but they don't intend to tell them.

"Of course. It would be bad if something happened to my partner, right?" Tang Lou told them with a kind smile on his face.

"That's very kind of you, Mr. Tang." Kan Jian, who was silent and let the two interrogate Tang Lou finally spoke. He gave Tang Lou a beaming face as if he was praising him for being kind.

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