Coming to catch him

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Chapter 50: Coming to catch him

A person rushed in front of him and raised a hand holding a dagger. Zhang Qiling noticed and with his fast reflex, dodge to the side. He raised his right hand and chopped the man's neck, letting him fall unconscious on the ground. The man who rushed wasn't even able to touch Zhang Qiling's clothes before he was knocked out.

The other men saw how fast he knocked their member and three of them stepped in front of the group, intending to fight him together. They moved to surround him, wanting to rush at the same time to tie him up. No one moved, each party gouging each other when someone in the three became impatient and attacked first.

"F*ck! Attack him." One from the group shouted.

The impatient man moved towards Zhang Qiling and was shocked to see him disappear. In the next second, a hand held his neck and next thing he knew, black spots filled his vision. His body slowly tilted and the last thing his eyes could see was his target knocking down more of the people with him.

Shock filled the men in the surroundings, but they didn't run away. After all, they think that they outnumbered Zhang Qiling and someone will definitely catch him. That, and the rewards they will get if they succeed motivates them. So although many are afraid for their life, many more are still impatient to fight against Zhang Qiling and another, more or less, dozens of men rushed towards Zhang Qiling. Everyone tried so hard but no one succeeded in neutralizing the man as all of them fell on the ground one by one, with no chance to attack first, they lost their life.

After a while, Zhang Qiling knocked out more than half of the men in the surrounding area, which seemed to anger the group in front of him. He can feel their stares turned to full of malice, and he knew that those people changed their minds. They didn't want to take him, they now wanted him dead.

He reached his hand to his back, taking a hold of his sword on its hilt, and slowly took it out of the scabbard. This time he didn't wait for them to take action, and was the first one to rush to the group.

He walked towards the crowd of men, before raising his arm, his hand holding the hilt tightly and slashing towards the men. A few men weren't able to know what happened, as they fell on the ground, with blankness as their life flashes on their eyes. Those whose reflexes are sharp dodge in a split second, and luckily was able to protect themselves from meeting with his swords head on, while some of them used the people beside them as a shield. Most of those who were able to dodge felt lucky, though such luck wouldn't be able to save their life, as Zhang Qiling looked at them with his sharp eyes, flicking the blood of his sword before rushing towards the nearest enemy in front of him.


Standing on a higher ground, a man with middle length hair watches as Zhang Qiling fights with his sword. Every move caused someone to fall on the bloody ground, but his appearance remained unscathed. He looked at the man with interest in his eyes before remembering his purpose on why he came here.

He took his brown eyes from the indifferent man and looked at a clearing where a tent was placed. Some of the men are pacing around while some are watching the fight. Most of them held guns as they patrolled around the tent.

"How exciting." The man whistled as his eyes tilted on the side.

"Someone is not afraid of death." His eyebrow raised and he chuckled as he saw a familiar face of a man and a woman walking out of the tent before the man walked inside again. The woman took someone to go the bombed place and watch the on-going fight.

The man's eyes left the woman and looked back at Zhang Qiling. His eyes met with sharp dark eyes surveying him, and the scene around him was quiet as all the people who rushed towards him were on the ground.

The man didn't avoid the stares and instead gave Zhang Qiling a playful look, his hand giving a mock salute.

"Let's meet again." He mouthed then gave a smirk.

Seeing as he finished his purpose, he gave the glaring man one last look before turning around and disappearing in place.


The ruins caused by the explosion filled the view, bodies of men in black with their life and death unknown are scattered on the ground.

Zhang Qiling removed his eyesight from the top of the mountain in the distance and wiped his sword on his jacket to remove the dirt on it before putting it back to its sheath, but still held it in his hand. He fixes his black jacket and puts his hood back on his head, glancing around the area with his indifferent eyes. His eyes flashed as he saw something from a distance, before taking his eyes off it. He reached for his black backpack put aside a while ago as he was fighting and wore it to his body. His hand accidentally touched his injuries but aside from a slight pause in his movement, he didn't show any indication of it.

He left the place with steady but fast footsteps, hands inside his pocket. He heard a sound of footsteps coming from afar, reaching the place he was in. With a faint sigh, he disappeared in sight.


A large tent was built not far from the scene, placed facing north where the explosions and the fight happened. Inside of it is a man sitting on a folding chair, who seems to be in his early thirties, surrounded by boxes of equipment and necessities. Oddly enough, the man was holding a white chess piece, playing by himself. He was so focused on it that he ignored the background noise.

After a while, the sounds of screaming and metal clashing stopped, indicating the end of the fight. A woman in black tracksuit entered the tent and sat down on the chair in front of the man. Her long black hair framed her small face and a noticeable mole can be seen under her left eye. She waited for him to place the chess piece on his hand before speaking.

"He escaped." She said with her hand on her head, gently massaging it.

"Escaped?" The man paused on his movement for a second before continuing, "For an unawaken descendant, he is quite capable." He said, without a change in his expression.

The woman stared at him and scoffed, "Quite? We lost more than fifty men against him." The man glared at her attitude, his lips forming a thin line. The woman was scared at his stare and closed her mouth, not saying anything. The man looked away, and the people inside the tent were silent.

"Then send another group after him. Don't let him escape." He said softly after a while, before continuing his game. He acted like the life of those more than fifty men are nothing, and no expression can be seen in his face. The woman saw that he ignored her presence and decided to leave, standing up from her seat.

"Yes, Sir." She gave a mock salute before walking out of the tent. The man left inside continued his chess game, as if unbothered, if not for the frown and worry appearing on his face.

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