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Chapter 31: Foolish

A man is tied up to a chair in the middle of a dark room, only the lights illuminated by the moon coming from the window can barely make out a few figures in the corner of the room, watching the man while talking in a low voice.

A groan sounded from the man in the middle causing the trio in the dark corners to stop their conversation. The man opened his eyes and found himself inside a dark room, with his hands and feet bound by what felt like a rope and a cloth gagging his mouth. He tried to take the rope off as he wanted to escape, feeling an aura of danger inside the room.

"Woke up?" The man was startled as he heard a childish voice come from the dark corner of the room, telling him that he is not alone. His vigilance heightened as he did not feel the other's presence around him. He tried to talk but it only came as a muffled sound because of his gag.

"My bad." The same voice said, then giggled in a creepy childish tone that the man felt his hair stand on end. He felt someone move beside him, take off his gag roughly before walking away.

"What do you want?" The man said, slightly fearful. He looked around at the room again to find his captor but only darkness greets him. He did not even feel any breathing sound aside from himself, as if he was talking to a ghost.

"Let's make this simple and fast. Why do you want to kidnap Wu Xie and where did you take Wang Pangzi?" Another voice came from one of the corners, his voice was faint but the captured man knew it was a man because of how clear his hearing was.

"I don't know what you mean." The captured man did not know if he was right, but he felt the room getting colder as if someone opened the air conditioner. He cannot help but shiver as he waits for any reply.

"Oh." After a short silence, only a sound was heard inside the room. That reply must have been giving up on finding answers, but the captured man felt himself being looked at dangerously as if a hunter was eyeing him as prey. He shivers in fright as he feels a dangerous breath of a beast behind him, ready to pounce at any given time.

"Should I play with him, brother?" The childish voice sounded again, asking the person beside him.

"He needs to talk." The childish man only giggled in response before the captured man felt someone blindfold him. Before he knew what was happening, his screams filled the room as someone was hitting his body with something like a metal bar. He grunted and screamed for that person to stop only to get a peal of creepy laughter in reply.

After a while, his voice was raspy from screaming but the man still did not stop and continued to hit him everywhere.

"That's enough." A stern voice sounded. Only then did the childish man put away from the captured man's body the baseball bat he was holding.

"I haven't played enough yet." The childish man pouted but left the man alone. It's not worth angering his brother for such a trivial thing. He walked back beside his companion and cleaned off the blood on his weapon.

The captured man felt like fainting. He did not know how long it was, but when it ended, he felt something dripping from his head to his chin and knew that it was blood. His blood.

A sound of footsteps came from behind him again, and he felt someone stand in front of him.

"I need answers." The captured man heard the person in front of him talk, voice so faint he couldn't determine the gender, but one thing is for sure, the dangerous feeling he felt from the moment he woke up, it's from this person. He opens his mouth to talk but he can speak, the person in front of him cuts him off.

"Be careful what you say." The voice warned, "My temper has never been good. You might suffer if you don't tell the truth." The captured man felt the threat from that person's tone, causing him to sweat as fear rose up inside of him.

"I'll... I'll say it." The captured man stuttered, clearly afraid of the person in front of him even though he can't see who it is.

"I like smart people." The captured man felt that person walk away, causing him to sigh in relief. Compared to that person, it seems like the man who beat him up and the other man is easier to talk to.

"Our boss wants them. H-his body-bodyguard said, I-if we can't ta-take Wu Xie away, then..." He paused and gasped, as he felt pain from his injuries. "...then we m-must ta-ta-take that fatty---I don't know why!" The captured man finished and felt himself release a sigh of relief. He is not guilty about ratting out their purpose as his life is more important.

"Then your boss is?" The childish voice sounded again, but this time beside his ears. He felt frightened as he did not feel any breath from beside him as if it was a ghost who just talked.

"I... I d-don't know w-w-what the bo-ss full name b-but his... his bodyguard calls him, Mr. L-Li." The captured man gulped nervously as he said that, feeling someone put something heavy on his broken legs.

"And the bodyguard's name is?" The childish voice asked him, his position seems to be in front of him.

"I don't kn-know... Ah!" The man shouted in pain as the heavy thing in his legs moved to his ribs, which seemed to be broken as well, " MaDong! Ma Dong! I heard the boss call him that one time when I was leaving the room."

"See? It's not that hard, right?" The childish voice sounded again, "Now tell me everything else."

The captured man was tortured until he confessed and told everything he knew. He heaved a sigh of relief as he felt the pressure from his ribs and the presence of someone in front of him gone. The door from a corner opened and closed, their footsteps receding causing the captured man to fiddle with the rope binding his hands. When the rope was cut off by constant rubbing, he took off his blindfold and untied the rope on his feet. He hissed in pain as his movement caused his injuries to stretch, but he ignored it and continued to walk towards the door. He so much wants to escape this place as those people might change their minds and decide not to set him free.

He opened the door with his not-so-broken hands and felt cold air clashing with his body. He ignored the cold and looked at the area outside. He found himself in a hut in the middle of a forest. Cursing as he walked out of the room, the sound of something fast, moving from behind can be heard. Before he can check what it was, something strikes him in the back of the head, causing him to lose consciousness.

Someone walked out of the room he just left, footsteps light and playful.

"Who said you can leave?" The childish man chuckled as he looked at the knocked-out man on the ground, "Praise your bad luck for pissing off our boss." He sat down while giggling and tied the man's feet together with a rope before standing up and walking away, whistling as he took one end of the rope, pulling it, not bothering to care if the unconscious man ended up with more bruises and wounds as he rubbed on uneven ground.

"What a great day..." He said particularly to no one and left the place, hopping in his steps, showing his slightly good mood. 

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