The Ravens

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Chapter 43: The Ravens

Shen Xi's group was the first to arrive at the warehouse where Wu Xie is. Even with the time that they took back to fetch Xing Yao, they are still earlier than the other group. They are greeted by the sight of Wu Xie and the others sitting on the corner, talking with each other. The third group saw the new arrivals and walked over to their car.

Su Wan and Yang Hao were the first to exit the car and rushed toward the sleepy Li Cu, who remained in his seat. The Shen twins and Xing Yao followed, each with a different expression on their faces. The group sat down at the chairs and Wu Xie can't help but start after the five of them drank some water.

"How is it?" Wu Xie asked Shen Xi, who nodded at him as a greeting before turning his head at Xing Yao. Xing Yao noticed the attention on him and decided to give the clues from the recording.

"It is confirmed that Pangzi was kidnapped by a group of unknown men, who forcibly knocked him out when he was unaware outside his hotel and take him inside a van. I traced the van's plate number and unsurprisingly, it was a fake." Xing Yao said while arranging his gadget on the table. 

"Any information you got from the kidnappers?" Hei Yanjing asked after sitting down. He was the last to walk on their side after talking with Old Li about the other group who will arrive any moment now.

"Not much, just two. One, they are well prepared and completely covered from head to toe. But fortunately, I saw a glimpse of a tattoo on one of the guy's neck, though it was kind of a blur." Xing Yao showed his laptop's screen to the others and zoomed in on the position of one of the kidnapper's necks. It was a black tattoo of what seemed to be a head of a bird, and the other part is hidden by the clothes.

"Two. They seem to have used a method to contact Pangzi, based on his behavior at the time of his kidnapping. He was in a panic and worried, trying to do something with his phone. My suspicion is, that he was told about your kidnapping incident, as the time when that happens coincides with the time after you were attacked." Xing Yao turned the laptop screen toward him and started using it. He was busy tackling what is on the screen but did not forget to tell them the group's findings.

"But I didn't get any missed calls from Pangzi." Wu Xie said, confused. From what Xing Yao said, Pangzi should be trying to contact his phone, but he received nothing, no calls or messages.

"That's why I tried to hack Pangzi's phone, but unfortunately, I can't locate it. His last activity on the phone was in his hotel room that night, what happened next was not recorded on his mobile. As if the phone has been tampered with." Wu Xie understands what he means. Someone deliberately did something to Pangzi's phone so they can lure him out. He knows Pangzi is smart, he might not look like it but it can be seen from the past. But this time, he was used as bait to take his friend. Or maybe the mastermind thought that he would be kidnapped for sure and used this information against them regardless of the outcome.

"Did you find where his phone is?" Xie Yuchen turned to ask after seeing Wu Xie in deep thought. Xing Yao shook his head no at his brother. Xie Yuchen can't help but sigh deeply after seeing this. It seems like even with Xing Yao's ability, he couldn't find Pangzi's phone.

A sound of honking can be heard from outside before the warehouse gate opened revealing another vehicle. This time, Wang Meng, Kan Jian, and Liu Sang arrived.

Kan Jian left the car and walked toward Wu Xie's side, excited at seeing him. He was followed by Liu Sang, who imitate a poker face. Wang Meng, on the other hand, parked the car beside the other vehicles before exiting the car and walking toward his boss.

"Boss." Wu Xie nodded at the smiling Wang Meng before inviting the trio to sit down.

"Anything you find on Tang Lou's side?" Wu Xie asked after the trio.

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