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Chapter 14: Assumptions

"Investigate? How?" Wu Xie asked to see Xie Yuchen come back from outside.

"Eh? Why did you return?" Pangzi was surprised to see Master Hua inside the room again.

"I saw you sneaking back." Xie Yuchen then turns to his cousin, "What's your plan?" Wu Xie only shook his head.

"For now, let him rest. When he can talk, we'll know the situation back then." Wu Xie doesn't know for sure what to do next. They will have to rely on Li Cu to get information.

"This situation is strange. Until now, we still don't know why he was kidnapped?" All of them are confused, they are not sure what motive those people have to do these.

"Could it be... They want something?" Pangzi suddenly said, and Wu Xie nodded.

"That is possible, though what could it be that attracts them? There is nothing valuable in our family." Fatty Wang shook his head amusedly at his confusion and waved his finger in front of his face.

"Eh. You can't say that."

"How about maybe they want to trouble you? Or wants to get your attention?" Xie Yuchen suggested and shook his head at Wu Xie, "Also, don't forget. The most valuable thing in our family is not a material but a person." Wu Xie was surprised by this and looked at his cousin with confusion.


"Wu Xie." Zhang Qiling answered for Xiao Hua.

"Me?" He pointed at himself. The three in front of him nodded in agreement.

"That's right. See, Tianzhen? Everyone knows how valuable you are." Wu Xie ignored Fatty's teasing and turned to Xiao Hua, who was about to say something.

"If the reason they kidnapped Li Cu is because of you. They might do something again." Wu Xie agreed.

"Aside from that, the rescue mission, isn't it too smooth? I don't believe that we didn't see any people in that building because they evacuated early. If that's what happened, then why leave Li Cu behind?" Pangzi clapped his hand aggressively, agreeing.

"That's another weird thing."

"We are not alone." Zhang Qiling suddenly said.

"What do you mean, Xiaoge?" The others look at the rarely talking Zhang Qiling, confusion on their faces. He saw it and explained.

"There are people hidden outside the building." The others were surprised at this information and looked at each other before Wu Xie spoke.

"Are they enemies? How come the others didn't feel it? What if it was an ambush?" Wu Xie asked about his doubts.

"No." Zhang Qiling shook his head no.

"No? What does that mean?" Pangzi looks clueless and waits for Zhang Qiling to answer.

"The people hidden. They feel like... protection." The group showed a surprised expression, clearly not anticipating such an answer but no one doubted it. Pangzi showed a thoughtful expression and looked back at Wu Xie.

"If Xiaoge is right, then that must be the people who help clean up those inside the building. Hey, Tianzhen, do you think they are third uncle's people?"

"It is a possibility, but why do I feel like they are not third uncle's people?" Wu Xie didn't agree.

"Why do you think so?" Xie Yuchen asked.

"Look. Yesterday, when I said that there was an explosion, our third uncle was surprised, like he didn't know about it. If it is indeed his people, with the timing of getting the address, checking the place, and taking the people, can it be that they didn't find the bombs? Isn't his people too inefficient? And also, how can he not know it?" The others have a look of understanding. Xie Yuchen nodded, agreeing with his cousin's speculations.

"I know what you mean. So it's definitely not his people, but there can be a connection."

"That's right. I just don't know what kind of people they are?" Wu Xie is curious. He felt like he missed something and it was very important. Pangzi patted his friend on the shoulder in comfort.

"Tianzhen, I feel like something big is going to happen." Wu Xie immediately raised his head to look at Fatty Wang.

"Why do you think so?"

"Don't you notice? When something happens, and it's connected to your third uncle, something will definitely happen to you too." Xie Yuchen and even Zhang Qiling nodded at what Pangzi said.

"Pangzi, don't jinx me." Wu Xie pretended to be serious and said to his friend.

"I'm not jinxing you, I'm just reminding you. Whenever something happens to your third uncle, you are there to follow." Pangzi said with a hint of teasing. Xie Yuchen shook his head, smiling at the two banterings.

"I agree with Pangzi. Wu Xie, it's better to prepare early." Wu Xie only then agreed. He stood up and walked the two outside.

"Okay. Okay. Pangzi, you go back to rest. Xiao Hua, you too." He suddenly stopped his cousin at the doorway, remembering Hei Yanjing's absence.

"Oh wait, Xiao Hua. Did Hei Xiazi call back? It's the third day he is gone." Xie Yuchen blinked.

"Oh, he called me early this morning saying he won't be back in a while." Wu Xie raised his eyebrow, curious.

"He is on a mission?"

"Must be." Xie Yuchen shook his head. He is also unclear on what Hei Xiazi is doing at the moment. Wu Xie didn't ask for more and let the two leave.

"Okay then." Pangzi interjected after the two talked. He smirked and teased the male standing at the door.

"Okay, let's leave the family of three. We stayed for a long time and they could not have their moments—" A pillow came flying and smacked Pangzi on the face. Xie Yuchen almost laughed at what happened and hid it with a cough.

"Tianzhen! You are really not as naive as before." Pangzi and Xie Yuchen looked at each other when seeing the blushing Wu Xie. As for whether it is because of anger or something else. Only Wu Xie knows.

"Stupid Pangzi. See if I won't run after you." Pangzi immediately ran out after seeing the look of Zhang Qiling behind Wu Xie. Unlike Wu Xie's almost cute expression of anger, the faint expression on Zhang Qiling is the true definition of scary. Xie Yuchen walks out calmly, his calm demeanor won't be busted if not for the smiling expression on his face.


Wu Xie closed the door after the figure of the two disappeared. He then looked at Xiaoge standing near the window, looking at the clear sky.

"Xiaoge. What is it? Why are you looking at the sky?" Wu Xie walks beside the silent male, offering his presence to the male.

"They are right." Wu Xie blinked in confusion and asked what Zhang Qiling was talking about.

"What?" Zhang Qiling moved his serious gaze from the sky and looked at the face of Wu Xie beside him.

"The weather is changing. I'm afraid something is bound to happen." They fell into silence after he said. Wu Xie looked at the clear sky, opened his mouth and whispered in the wind then closed his eyes. Zhang Qiling looked at the person beside him, a rare tenderness can be seen in his eyes as if looking at his most precious treasure...

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