Wang Pangzi

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Chapter 42: Wang Pangzi

It was a sunny afternoon, with the sun still high up in the sky. Though the winds that moves through one's skin felt cool and refreshing which satisfy one's imagination of a good afternoon. At this time, most people returned to their works after a short lunch break, or walking and  enjoying the weather, or perhaps taking a short nap in their comfortable homes.

Somewhere far away from the bustling city, a red-haired figure moves fast and agile, lightly running, walking, and jumping from one position to another, with a destination in mind. Wearing a black outfit not suitable to blend in that afternoon. 

The red-haired man stops beside a large tree, enough to hide his figure from other people. He takes a peek at a warehouse not far from him and saw four guards playing cards beside the gate, with cars parked near them. The four people remain unaware of someone eyeing their movements from a distance, ready to take action.

Xiao Tang turned his eyes away from the four and lean on the trunk of the tree. He raised his hand to feel the direction of the wind and put it down after. His plan is to knock those people out using a knock-out drug, without alerting them, and the wind is the best way to do that.

Smiling in a mischievous way, he took a powder from his pocket and moved silently near them. When he arrived beside the cars, he opened his hands to the sky and let the wind take them. He waited for the drugs to take effect and moments later, he heard the sound of bodies falling to the ground. 

Xiao Tang waited for a minute more, and when he found no one was moving or making a sound, he make his move. He walked toward the poor guards, observing them for a bit, and found a tattoo of a  blackbird on their necks at the size of a fist, something that he had seen before.

"Ravens..." He whispers after he saw it. 'It's actually them?'

A movement came from beside him and Xiao Tang turned around in its direction only to find a familiar figure wearing black clothes, staring at the warehouse, where sounds of people talking, laughing, and cheering can be heard. 

"What are you doing here?" Xiao Tang's eyes widened at the sight of the man and he whispered-yelled as he walked near. The man did not answer him and only gave him a deep look before giving him a hand signal. 

'Continue your task.'

Xiao Tang understands what he means and can't help but roll his eyes before raising his hand in defeat. He can never defeat someone older than him anyway. He left the unconscious men on the ground, knowing that his companion will take care of it.

Xiao Tang walks toward the back of the warehouse and finds the surveillance blind spot before jumping on the wall. He found no one in the vicinity, which is not a surprise with the party going on not far away. He left the wall and lightly walked around the place, avoiding all cameras and completely forgetting his companion, who disappeared after he turned to a corner.

Xiao Tang actually noticed that his companion is gone, but given that their mission seemed to be of different purpose, he let that man go away. The inside of the warehouse is different, it seems to be a maze full of rooms with the same design. If you are not familiar with the place, it might take forever to get out. But who is Xiao Tang? This trick is nothing to him as he easily walked and turned through hallways and ended up in a hallway with three people who left a room, all in a deep conversation. One is a muscular man, followed by a bald man, and a lanky guy. All of them have the tattoo of a blackbird on their necks.

"The boss is generous this time. I don't know what special event there is?" The muscular but short man said to the bald man beside him. 

"Brother, it seems that you did not listen to our boss a while ago right?" The bald man replied.

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