Familiar (1)

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Chapter 64: Familiar (1)

Wang Pangzi woke up at the sound of vehicles arriving outside the hut. He opened his eyes and spat the toothpick on his mouth, still laying on one of the wooden chairs basking on the sun. Only when the sound of the car door closing did he final looked at the open gate. 

He watches in surprise as Wu Sanxing entered with a familiar Shen twin brothers, followed by the two out of three little ducklings, Su Wan and Yang Hao, who waved their hands after seeing him, and a slightly absentminded with panda eyes Liu Sang.

Wu Sanxing nodded at him before facing the twins. "Go check on the mercenaries and let them occupy the house next doors. Tell them to put the equipment with them." He said before walking towards the house, leaving the rest with Pangzi.

Wang Pangzi finally faced the youngsters after seeing Wu Sanxing enter the house and sigh loudly. "Finally, you guys are here. If you arrive much later, I will probably turn crazy with boredom while in the presence of two Zhang's." He shivered exaggeratedly at the thought of it. Imagine staying with two solemn Zhangs' projecting an aura of menace. Just the thought of it gives him a chill.

"How's Ouxiang?" Liu Sang asked as he pushed his glasses properly. 

"Compared to your sleepless condition, he's much better. Tell me, what did you do last night?" Pangzi mocked after looking at Liu Sang up and down. "Don't tell me..." He trailed off with eyebrow raised suggestively.

Liu Sang only glared before ignoring him. He's too tired to banter with this annoying person so he walked towards the house silently.

Seeing that he can't piss off his four-eyed grumpy little friend, Pangzi stopped talking and motion the other two duckling to follow along inside.


Inside the spacious bamboo house's living room, single and large sofas more than enough for ten people are inside. The atmosphere was slightly tense as everyone was looking at Wu Sanxing and waiting for him to speak.

Wu Sanxing didn't let them wait for too long and started to say the information he gathered. 

"Based on the information I gathered, the tomb we are going is located at a mountain found northwest of this village, near a lake. It was part of the now forbidden location of this village since a week ago, and nearly twenty kilometers away from this village. The villagers said it became forbidden due to landslides and earthquake appearing every now and then, killing more than ten villagers and some are also missing that they forbid people to go there. There even was a time when they felt like an explosion happened causing mild earthquake for more than an hour, making the residents afraid." He stated.

"What about the person who 'accidentally' discovered the monument? Or the one who spread the rumor? Did you find out?" Pangzi asked while leaning on the chair beside Xiaoge, feeling strange as someone seems to be missing from the group.

Shen Li opened his mouth to answer this time. "We look into it and found no trace of that person. It's as if the rumor came out of nowhere."

Zhang Rishan raised his eyebrow. "I have a feeling we'll fight a big battle in that tomb. Did you bring enough men?" He said to Wu Sanxing beside him.

Wu Sanxing waved his hand with assurance. "We brought enough experts to circle the whole village twice, so don't worry." 

Pangzi look around and finally remembers. "Speaking of people, did Hei Ye say where he is now? I thought he should be here by now?" He asked the people around who was with Xiazi when they arrived.

"He said he'll be late to the 'party'." Liu Sang said while rolling his eyes.

The sound of cars moving came from outside which stops the conversation inside.

Pangzi rolled his eyes at the loud sound of honking from outside. "Speaking of the devil." He murmured.

"Hei Ye!" Su Wan excitedly shouted out of the window and waved his hand at the man in black sunglasses, who smiled after seeing him. The cheerful kid made a noise in surprise when he saw two guys and a hooded person.

"They are..." Yang Hao walked to his side and take a clear look of the people outside. He saw one of the guys taking off his cap and a bright red hair shine bright.

"Little Su Wan! Little Yang Hao!" An energetic voice shouted from the outside making some of the people inside feel familiar.

"Xiao Tang!" Su Wan shouted back before a figure with a hint of red flashed and jumped inside the open window, causing the three of them to fell down on the floor in surprise.

The others watch the silly scene of three kids as the solemn atmosphere dissipated a bit.

"Why does the kid seem like he was just out of being tortured at school and saw a friend to play with?" Pangzi said his thoughts out loud causing a few adults to laugh at the similarity.

As the kids are bonding together, Hei Yanjing finally entered the house with a smile on his face as he looked around inside the house.

"Not bad. It's a spacious house."

"I hope you don't mind me bringing people along. After all, the more the merrier." He didn't wait for a reply and turned towards the door, calling his other companion inside. 

The first to appear is wearing a white track suit, bearing a gentle and kind smile familiar to others, followed by a familiar person wearing a black long coat with hood, and a distinct sound of bells chiming along with her movements.

"Xiu Jingchen?"

"Liu Yi?"


It's a bit short for my liking but, meh. Hope you like it!

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