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Chapter 29: Worries

The people in Wushanju have been in a cautious manner lately. Since the Little Third Master of the Wu family was brought back unconscious from outside almost a week ago, they have been seeing the anger of the Wu Masters, thus, many of them are working silently and efficiently to avoid being reprimanded.

So anyone can imagine their relief when four days ago, the two Wu brothers left the household and hopefully, would return when their anger is gone.

Li Cu walked on the familiar pathway he has been walking since Wu Xie fell unconscious. He nodded to the people he met on the way as a greeting before his destination came into view.

Li Cu saw Wang Meng sitting on a chair outside Wu Xie's room, playing something with his phone. He saw Wang Meng raise his head in his direction and nodded as he saw that it was only Li Cu on his daily visits.

The door of Wu Xie's room opened revealing Xie Yuchen and Hei Yanjing talking about something with Dr. Cen, then greeted Li Cu as they saw him.

"Anything new?" Li Cu asked the two as he nodded to the doctor, who flashed him a kind smile before walking past him.

"Still the same, although Dr. Cen said Wu Xie will wake up at least tonight." Xie Yuchen answered.

"That's good news." Li Cu sighed in relief but then paused, "How about his two friends? The moment Wu Xie wakes up, he'll ask for news about his friends." Xie Yuchen shook his head and sighed.

"No worries for Zhang since he can take care of himself just fine. What I'm worried about is Pangzi." Li Cu thought of what they said about Zhang Qiling's ability and agreed, but he frowned as he heard him worry for Pangzi.

"What? Why?" He asked with a curious tone.

"Before Pangzi left, Wu Xie told him to always call every three days on time." Hei Yanjing answered him this time, "Now, it's been six days since the last call, and Pangzi did not call even once." The four of them did not notice the door of Wu Xie's room opening slowly as they focused on their conversation.

"That's bad then. If Wu Xie heard nothing from Pangzi, he would definitely be worried for his safety---"

"What did you say?" Li Cu's words were cut off as a familiar but weak voice sounded from behind them. All three of them are at the door and Wang Meng, who is playing with his phone, immediately looks in its direction.

They saw Wu Xie with his pale face sweating while leaning on the door weakly, wearing a white shirt and black pants.

"Wu Xie!" "Boss!"

"Repeat what you said." Wu Xie said as he looked intently at Li Cu. "Why would I be worried about Pangzi?" Li Cu opened his mouth but did not answer him. Wu Xie saw their hesitance before he closed his eyes and heaved a deep sigh seeing their unresponsiveness.

"Phone." Wu Xie did not hear anyone moving so he opened his eyes and looked at Wang Meng, "Give my phone to me." He watched as Wang Meng nodded at him and took out a phone from his pocket. He snatches it from Wang Meng and looks at his call history and messages.

The four of them watch as Wu Xie's expression changes the more he looks into his phone. The last time Pangzi contacted him was the day someone attacked him. Based on the date on his phone, how many days he was in a coma is how many days Pangzi did not call or even message him. Worry crept up on him as this never happened before when Pangzi left for a business trip. Even when Pangzi cannot be contacted every day or every three days, he will immediately find a way to give a message to him.

Wu Xie felt someone holding his shoulder to prevent him from slipping to the floor. It does not take a genius to know it's his cousin, so he let his head lay on Xie Yuchen's shoulder as he let himself be taken back to the bed.

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