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Chapter 54: Meeting

Lightning flashed across the dark sky, brightening the dark room for a short moment. The rain enveloped the whole mountain area, each drop was muffled as it hit on the closed window, adding a soothing yet slightly disturbing sound to the quiet room.

The room was simple yet elegant, with white walls and a queen-sized bed lying in the middle of the room. A person was laying there sleeping, with needles injected into their hand connected to IV drips beside a monitoring machine. She was pale and frowning as if in pain, with the black hair sticking to her sweaty forehead.

The place looks like a hospital room found in a big city, if not for the mountain view seen outside the window. 

A person in white clothing hovers on the bed, checking the person in the bed. His gentle-looking face was frowning as he breathed shakily, before covering her with the blanket up to her chest. 

As he watch her, a quiet creak ran throughout the room as the door opened, revealing a man in a black suit. His eyes were immediately looking at the figure with distress on his face, walking with slow steps beside the bed. 

"Little Four..." It took him a moment before his eyes left her and he called the man beside him. "Did she woke up?" 

"No. All her vital signs are normal but she just... remain asleep." The man called 'Little Four' sighs with anxiety. "I even run some tests to see the problem but everything seems normal." He added as he looked at the man beside him, whose face changed to expressionless as if the distress a while ago was just a hallucination.

 He faced Little Four after being silent for a while. "Then the problem isn't on her." His eyebrow raised as he hinted with his eyes.

"You mean it's on---" 

At this time, there was a small knock on the door, cutting off their conversation. They turned towards the open door and faced the new arrival. 

"Second Brother, Fourth Brother, I have new intel." Five said as he nodded at his brothers as a greeting.

"Let's talk outside." The two took one more look at the person on the bed before leaving the room with quiet footsteps and closing the door gently.

"Did you call the others?" Two faced Five as he started to lead walking on the corridor. Five nodded as he and Four followed along. 

"They are at the conference room as we speak..." He turned to face Four with a worried look. "How is she?" Fourth shake his head with a sigh.

"I'll tell you with the others." Five can only nod seeing as his brother doesn't want to tell more.


Xue Lei left his room with a frown. His older brothers called forth an emergency meeting in the middle of his work. Don't they know how busy he is at this time of the year? He massages his aching temple and proceeds to walk faster in the hallway and turn right, showing his destination.

He opens the door without a warning and slams it shut loudly after entering, earning silence inside the conference room.

"Ah! What a temper." A young-looking blond guy said, sitting at the second seat at the right side of the table, his baby face giving him an innocent but creepy smile. 

Xue Lei heaved a deep sigh to control his ever-growing temper at his brother's teasing.

"Don't even start." He muttered grumpily, earning a chuckle at every annoying being inside the room. Of course, that excludes him.

"Okay, okay. Who pissed our youngest brother late at night?" The blond guy, Three, said with a cute chuckle. 

"Probably Five, who called for a meeting when I was about to sleep." A red-haired guy said, sitting at the fourth seat on the left side of the table. His eyes were half open with a pout on his face. "Where is he anyways?" Eight said as he asked the person beside him, who only shrugged with a lopsided smile.

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