Not a normal day after all

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Chapter 2: Not a normal day after all

All the sound seems to disappear the moment he heard something had happened to Li Cu. That kid, after all that happened in the past when he kidnapped him, became one of the important people in his life. Hearing that something happened to him...

Zhang Qiling and Pangzi noticed immediately how Wu Xie suddenly stiffened and almost dropped the phone he was holding, then took a deep breath and turned the speaker on.

"Tell me what happened." Wu Xie asked in a serious tone.

"I don't know what really happened, but a week ago we made an appointment to play basketball three days after. Then he didn't appear three days later, which is five days ago. I thought YaLi was not feeling well so we didn't call him because that always happens when he doesn't attend an appointment. Then I only noticed today that he was gone when Hei Ye asked me to bring the other two together for some sort of training in Changsha. When I got to YaLi's apartment, the door was not locked and everything was a mess then there was blood in the living room so I immediately called you." Wu Xie gripped his pants tightly, sudden anger and worry surging inside of him. A hand patted Wu Xie and he looked at Men You Ping.

"Calm down." Wu Xie sighed deeply, nodded, and began to think of what to do.

"I'll text you an address. Get there immediately. We'll see you there."

"Okay." Su Wan breathed out the words, agreed, and didn't ask for more, then hung up the phone. Wu Xie looked at the end call and dialed a number. The number rang three times and a smooth distinct male voice answered.

"Hello, Wu Xie. What makes you call?"

"Xiao Hua, I need your help. Are you in Changsha?" The male on the other side of the phone paused and then answered.

"Yes, I'm here with Hei Ye. What happened?" Zhang Qiling watches as Wu Xie pinches the bridge of the latter's nose and massages his closed eyes.

"I'll tell you there."

"Okay. See you." Wu Xie hangs up, sends a text to Su Wan, and stands up.

"Wang Meng, pack up and book the nearest flight, we'll go to Changsha." All of them changed some clothes, packed up then immediately boarded the van.

Sitting in the back seat, Wu Xie's mind thinks of the possible reasons why someone wanted Li Cu. He sighs and looks at the other three. Wang Meng is driving the van with Pangzi in the passenger seat, so that means...

Wu Xie looks at the man he never noticed until now sitting beside him, looking at his every move. He noticed Xiaoge's arms across his chest, male hormones spreading everywhere, distracting him from thinking. He sat in a daze for a moment, not noticing the smirk on the man's lips nor the two in front looking back at their interaction with a teasing smile.

'Sure enough, only Xiaoge can distract him' Pangzi thought then frown thinking of what might happen to that kid YaLi. 'If something happens to him, Tianzhen...' He pats his head to stop thinking negative thoughts and look at the road ahead.

Zhang Qiling continues to stare at Wu Xie, noticing the slight change in his emotions. He makes sure he subtly takes away his thoughts about the kid named Li Cu. In the story of Pangzi, he's a kid Wu Xie kidnapped years ago that helped him bring down the Wang Clan. Also, he and Wu Xie have a resemblance to that kid, he said most people ask if Li Cu was a child of Wu Xie and him. Pangzi even said to him that if he didn't know better he would though Li Cu is his and Wu Xie's love child. He paused,

'Ours? I like the sound of that.'

He reached his hand to Wu Xie's shoulder and patted him. Wu Xie immediately turns his way and Zhang Qiling looks at those mesmerizing eyes, his heart suddenly skipping faster as a strange... No. A familiar feeling spreads through him. He suddenly doesn't know what to do when Wu Xie looks at him with those dark eyes, as if there are unspoken words he wants to say. Zhang Qiling tried to reign his uncontrollable feelings inside as he prevented his emotions from slipping out of control.

"Wu Xie." Two pairs of eyes looking at each other, communicating without words as they always do.

Wu Xie noticed the slight worry in Zhang Qiling's eyes. He nodded his head to tell him not to worry. Worrying won't help to find Li Cu, he has to wait until he is with Xiao Hua and then find out what really happens.

He tries using breathing techniques to calm down and look back at Xiaoge. He remembers only now that Xiaoge seems to come back today, without rest then he was out to travel again. Although Zhang Qiling can do without sleep for a few days, he can't ignore his body just because something happened.

"Xiaoge. Come and sleep for a while." Wu Xie put his hand on Zhang Qiling's shoulder and pulled him to use his legs as a pillow. Zhang Qiling didn't move for a while, afraid of burdening Wu Xie with his weight but one look from him and he agreed. Zhang Qiling knows Wu Xie is worried about him and he basks in the feeling and attention given to him, loving the hands that caress his hair or the hand that holds his own. This gives him the illusion that his hidden feelings for Wu Xie are reciprocated, causing him to drift off to a wonderful sleep...

The group arrived at the airport. Luckily, they booked a flight near departure. Wu Xie carefully holds Zhang Qiling while walking inside the plane and puts the half-asleep older male beside him.

The plane takes off leaving behind Rain Village.

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