Wu Sanxing is back

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Chapter 4: Wu Sanxing is back

"It's Third Uncle." The people in the room suddenly became tense, everyone looking at Wu Xie's reaction at seeing his third uncle's image. Everyone walks over and turns to look at the screen of the computer. Xing Yao zooms in at the man wearing a hat walking to the place where the van was parked before it disappeared. The street light illuminated his face, capturing the face of the supposed third uncle.

"I knew it! It's impossible for that old fox to die. If he really did, he wouldn't be Third Master Wu." Pangzi immediately chatters, smugly showing off that he is right. "But, how is he related to YaLi's kidnapping? Is he the mastermind? No that can't be. Is it a coincidence? But it's such a strange coincidence—" Wang Meng put his hands on Fatty's mouth to stop him from talking. Fatty struggled but then Wang Meng pointed at Wu Xie using his eyes. Fatty looks at Wu Xie whose face is serious, it's making him kind of scared.

'Although I know it's possible for him to be alive... to think it would be proven so soon...' Wu Xie thought before glancing at others.

"I'll make a call first." Wu Xie turned to walk straight to the door leaving the others behind.

Seeing the figure out of sight, Pangzi immediately looks at Xiaoge who rises from his seat and follows Wu Xie. He was in a daze for a moment and showed a knowing smile, then he gestured towards Ah Yao, Hei Xiazi, and Xiao Hua who are with him to calm down and contact people to continue investigating. When the news of Third Master Wu comes back, the circle is sure to get messy.


Li Cu woke up feeling numb all over his body. He was sluggish for a moment, then remembered he was kidnapped. He tried to open his eyes to see where he was but then all that he saw was darkness. The room feels damp, and a musty smell fills the room. Nothing can be heard but the sound of his movement. He moved to sit up but failed as the pain of the beating resurfaced.

Li Cu weakly moves to the wall and leans slowly. Based on his feeling of weakness, it must be a few days since he was kidnapped, just being able to wake up means they want to keep him alive. He doesn't know what it is for and who locks him up, but he'll make sure to beat that person up later.

He thought of Wu Xie. He doesn't know how many days it has been or if his disappearance has been known to his mentor, just hopes he will come for him soon...


Wu Erbai received a call from Wang Pangzi regarding the disappearance of Li Cu. After the call was hung up, he turned to his always missing brother, who appeared in his living room and drank tea as if nothing had happened.

"What do you know about that kid Li Cu's disappearance?" He put the phone on the table and looked sternly at Wu Sanxing.

"What do you think I know?" Wu Sanxing plainly said, not intending to answer his second brother's question. Wu Erbai looks at him intently, looking for clues in his third brother's face. He narrowed his eyes, then remained silent as if he didn't want to talk to his little brother anymore.

After a long time of silence, Wu Erbai's phone rang again. He picked it up and looked at the name of the caller. He glances at his little brother who stares back at him, asking who is calling.

"It's Wu Xie." Wu Sanxing blinked, then a guilty smile appeared on his face. Wu Erbai looked at the ringing phone for a moment then picked accept and put it on speaker.

"Second Uncle. He's with you now, right?" Wu Xie's voice resounded in the silent room, Wu Sanxing waved his hand no to his second brother but he was ignored.

"Who?" A chuckle sounded from the phone. "You know who, it's my third uncle. He is with you right now." This time his nephew is not asking, but already believes his third uncle is here. Wu Erbai almost laughs at his little brother's face, who looks guilty and wants to run away at Wu Xie's words.

"You are so sure, why are you still asking?" Wu Erbai replied, "Yeah, he is here having tea." A sneer sounded from the phone following a calm tone from his nephew.

"It looks like he is so relaxed now, like how relaxed he was when he saw people kidnap Li Cu." Wu Erbai glanced at his brother who now looks more guilty and hesitant, which most people don't see on the face of the famous Third Master Wu.

"Dear nephew, it's not like that." Wu Sanxing can't help but answer, making his presence known to the caller.

"Oh, so you are still alive. Good for you." Wu Xie immediately said, "Second Uncle, please tell that person with you that if he knows something about what happened to my kid, tell me. I'm waiting." The call ended and silence filled the room again.

"This kid." Wu Sanxing sighed. "He wants me to appear in front of him, right?" Wu Erbai almost rolled his eyes.

"You, both uncle and nephew..." Wu Erbai shook his head, sighed, and looked at his third brother. 'What do I expect?'

"Okay, I know what to do second brother, but before that, I'll see mother first." Second Master Wu nodded, then followed him out of the residence to their mother's courtyard, waiting to see his brother's joke. Their mother sure can get scary...

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