Hei Xiazi was beaten (2)

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Chapter 70: Hei Xiazi was beaten (2)

He was about to walk back and rest when Xiao Tang, who was excited to watch the fun while eating popcorn he got from somewhere, suddenly spoke from the side.

"Eh? Big sister, down let him go! He has a history of running away and didn't repent but also added another trouble like the last time, remember?" He insinuated clearly so that his big sister won't be soft-hearted towards their second uncle.

If Hei Xiazi knew that Xiao Tang described Liu Yi as soft-hearted, he would have vomited blood. This girl is not as kind as she show the world, alright?! Can't they see her looking at him with so much evil? Are they blind?!

"Last time? What trouble?" Pangzi didn't forgot to fish in troubled waters. Who asked Hei Xiazi to pissed him off before?

"You don't know my second uncle, he's such a cheater. He broke my master's favorite vase but put the blame on me and my sixth brother. Thankfully, it was found that it's really his fault or else my legs would've been broken." Xiao Tang told the others indignantly.

"Then he's really unscrupulous! Right, brother?" The silver haired Shen Li shouted indignantly after hearing this. He remembered something familiar happened to him too, being blamed for something he didn't do.

Shen Xi looked at his excited brother and reluctantly nodded.

"I think second uncle wasn't punished at that time, right? Because he ran away?" Xiu Jingchen suddenly remembered and asked knowingly out loud to Xiao Tang while not looking at Hei Xiazi. He already felt the man glaring at him.

Don't glare at me Second Uncle. It's not like I want to betray you, it's just that Big Sister seems to be having fun. He thought inside while looking like a passerby watching the show on the outside.

Liu Yi, who heard this, stopped and turned back slowly. Her lips curled into a smile secretly before nonchalantly faced Hei Xiazi, hiding her gladness at Xiu Jingchen's sharpness. She's been wanting to beat this guy since yesterday. Now she'll take the chance gladly.

No one else noticed this except Zhang Qiling as his attention was always on her regardless of the loudness. He also smiled before pulling his hood down.

"Wait!" Hei Xiazi tried to stop her again only for her to ignore him. "Stop! Liu Yi, wait!"

Regardless of his begging, Liu Yi didn't listen ran towards him. Before he knew it, he felt a powerful fist to his stomach causing him to choke every persuasion he was going to say. He rolled backwards as he felt another punch coming and grimace in pain.

"What's with you and Dumb Zhang?! You guys always aim to the stomach? What if I'm pregnant?" He said weakly as he clutch his aching stomach, trying to distract the girl.

The others only laughed at his words. Seriously, watching Hei Xiazi is another type of pleasure especially to those he pissed off.

Liu Yi only rolled her eyes indecently but rushed to the man again. She knew this man all this years but his ridiculousness is really undefeated.

Pangzi on the other hand was having fun watching Hei Xiazi beaten up but almost choke on his peanut after hearing the man's ridiculous words. He patted his chest to clear his airway as he angrily glared at the man before laughing out loud as he look beside him.

"Hei Ye, congratulations! Say hi to the camera and relay your pregnancy so we can show it to Hua Ye later." He shouted gleefully.

"That's right! I also have to show it to Master later." Xiao Tang's eyes widen in excitement as he added. He's sure his master would be delighted to see another black history of his black hearted Second Uncle.

Hei Xiazi was distracted by their words and look at the source only to found everyone laughing at him while a camera is on standby beside the two ducklings and Xiao Tang. He fumed as he pointed at the red haired guy (as he knows is the mastermind).

'I'll take care of you later' He thought with gritted teeth.

Xiao Tang was a bit scared by his second uncle's stare that he shivered but then laughed evilly after seeing his big sister used Hei Xiazi's distraction to send another fist to his chest causing him to focus on the fight.

Liu Yi hurled a kick on his left shin and right ankle before kicking his stomach with both her feet, causing him to stumble. 

"Barely a few punches and you're already on the ground. Where is your strength?" She frowned, feeling strange. In the past, he used to take all her hits with no effect but why is he weak now? Is this another tactic?

Hei Xiazi only gave her a smirk, "Rest assured, I was only distracted."

"Ah." She gave him a mocking look before rushing to him again. Since he still has time to be distracted, then this punishment must be too light.

Hei Xiazi felt bitter as he was beaten with another fist and another kick while dodging. It seems like she found out he was taking it easily that she  fight him harder. 

He had the urge to cry. The only consolation right now is that Liu Yi isn't holding her whip, he try to comfort himself inside. He'd rather take the fist than the whip.

While the two are continuing to fight, Xiu Jingchen looked away at the sight of them and sit beside the three youngest member of the group after putting a clean clothing on the ground. He smiled at them before finding himself seeing Pangzi looking at him curiously.

"Kid, you're Xiao Tang's brother Xiu Jingchen, right?" Pangzi asked as he offered the kid some peanuts.

Xiu Jingchen gently smiled and took some, "Yes, Pang Ye."

"I just noticed Xiao Tang called you fourth brother. How many siblings do you have?" Pangzi asked curiously as he always heard the siblings called themselves by number.

Xiu Jingchen saw that the fight is still ongoing and decided to chat with Pangzi, "There's nine of us. Big sister Liu Yi is the oldest and the only girl while the rest are boys, I'm the fourth while Xiao Tang is the eight."

"Oh... Your parents... are great. They can take care of nine children in the family? Wow." Pangzi was shocked. Their parents must be super healthy to achieve this.

( Author / Qin Yi : (¬_¬) )

"What...? No. Actually, we don't have parents, we're orphans adopted by our Master who take care of us since young and sometimes our Second Uncle and a few elders in the clan."

"Oh... Your Master must be great person taking care of you all."

Xiao Tang heard them praising his Master and said proudly causing them to laugh, "That's of course! Master is the best and so is Big Sis!" 

Pangzi stopped laughing at the kid and acted as if afraid someone will hear, leaning towards them and whispered, "Liu Yi, was she always this scary and beating people up?"

"No. It's only Second Uncle. She said she always felt her fist itchy whenever she saw him so they always fight." Pangzi had a look of 'not surprised' at hearing this.

While it's still not busy, Pangzi consciously asked quite a few questions about Liu Yi while secretly rolling his eyes. Don't think that he can't see that Xiaoge is secretly paying attention to their conversation. Did the man think he can't see him? He thought while looking at Xiaoge at the corner of his eyes. After years of companionship, can't he still not tell Xiaoge is interested about the girl? Or else why would he ask info like this?

Zhang Qiling felt Pangzi's stare and lowered his hood once more, as if nothing here matters to him but he can feel his ears turning red clearly describing his feelings at being caught. He avoid his friend's searching stare and looked at the figure fighting Hei Xiazi in a daze for a while.

He doesn't know how long he was staring before suddenly frowning, as he smelled something strange when the wind blew past their way.

He vigilantly looked around the area and catch the sight of Zhang Rishan opening his eyes and nodding his way.

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