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Chapter 59: Rumors

It was a quiet in early morning. The sunlight gives warmth ever so gently on one's skin and the slight cool breeze caress everything under the sun.

Under such tranquility, a man was trimming a garden of red roses so gently as if what he touches is a long-lost lover rather than a flower. Wearing a blue loose pajama, he moved from one plot to another after meticulously cleaning it. His gentle eyes flicker at the sound of footsteps but he didn't look back, as if the person coming is familiar.

A woman in red dress stopped a few meters from him, eyes boring on the back of the man. Her small face has the look of relief as she smiled, making the mole under her left eye become striking. She then greeted him respectfully before giving the news.

"Sir, we failed to find it." The man paused on what he's doing as he clipped the rose wrongly, causing the flower petals to fall on the ground, and also breaking the tranquility. He took a deep breath to calm his dissatisfaction before he walked towards the table not far from them, not giving her a glance. The woman paled visibly after seeing this before she followed along cowardly.

"Are you sure every house has been searched?" He asked gently as he poured himself some tea before sitting down, still not giving the woman a glance.

"Affirmative." The woman cleared her throat nervously before answering. 

The man was silent for a while, his finger tracing the cup as a sound of jade and porcelain meeting sounded from time to time, deep in thought.

The woman seems impatient, so she looks up only to see the ring on the man's index finger and saw a green jade ring carved with a snake with black eyes. Her eyes widen at the symbol before looking down, face turning pale. 

The man did not notice and after a while opened his mouth, "Then proceed to our next plan."

The woman gave a response before turning around, leaving the man alone.


In the afternoon of mild heat, news spread fast in the tomb raiding circle. A rumor of an imperial tomb was found by a tomb robber, which was 'accidentally found' due to an earthquake. Normally, such imperial tombs wouldn't be such a hot topic with countless imperial tomb excavated before, but an additional piece of information caused unrest among the bustling crowd.

The person who spread the news said that the imperial tomb has an inscribed text monument that says the secret of wealth and prosperity as well as the secret of life. Such thought-provoking news garner attention not only of interested tomb raiders but also those of powerful families.


Golden color of the late afternoon sunlight entered the glass window, casting the whole room with warmth. Sitting on her office chair, Liang Wan smiled politely at her patient after explaining something softly before looking down at the sheet in front of her. She heard the sound of the door opening and closing and called for the next patient.

Xiao Li, her assistant and a nurse, entered the room and smiled at her. "Dr. Liang, that's the last consultation for today."

Liang Wan was pleased at finishing her daily routine and smiled at Xiao Li. "Okay. Then, please send these papers to Dr. Xu in the General Surgery Department." She closed the document she was holding and raised it to her assistant.

"Sure, Dr. Liang." Xiao Li said cheerfully as she received the documents.

"Thanks, Xiao Li." Liang Wan waved at the cheerful junior, shaking her head. It's really great to work with lively people, it kind of help in cheering herself up.

Liang Wan raised her hands to stretch as she felt aches in her body because of sitting on the chair for a long time. Looking at the time, it was five minutes after five p.m., time for her shift to end. She stands up from her seat and tidies her desk and put the documents in the cabinets. After cleaning her place, she took off her white coat and put it on the coat rack. She took the black coat beside it and wear it on her body. Then she took her bag and walked out of the office after turning off the lights.

She walked down the hallway and smiled at her familiar co-workers. Her mobile phone rang, and she paused on her steps to take it out of her bag, smiling as she saw the caller.

"Did you finish your shift?" A gentle masculine voice asked, causing her heart to flutter. Who would it be if not Zhang Rishan?

"Well. hello to you too President Zhang." She cooed playfully. "And yes, I'm walking out of the hospital now." She waved at another colleague as she walked on the lobby, before her expression turned serious. "Any news about Wu Xie and others?" Her tone has a hint of worry, which the man heard.

Liang Wan heard him sigh. "Not yet. I'll tell you if there is."

"You must remember to tell me. I'm so worried." She said to Rishan firmly. "I don't want to be the last one to hear the news again."

"Don't worry, it won't happen again." Zhang Rishan chuckle at imagining the pout on her face and agreed.

"Okay. Did you send to someone?" 

Liang Wan walked out of the hospital building and found a familiar car waiting at the side. A man who looked like a driver was standing beside it.

"I asked Xiao Han to send you home using my car. Did he arrive?"

Liang Wan nodded but remembered that he can't see it and chuckled at herself. "Yeah, I can see your car parked in front." She waved at the familiar driver and walked over. 

"Pay attention to safety and text me when you get home."

"Yes, Sir!" Liang shouted before laughing then ended the call after a brief goodbye. She looked at Xiao Han who greeted her respectfully.

"Madam, Master sends me to take you home." Liang Wan nodded with a smile.

"I know. He told me." Xiao Han gave her a smile before opening the backseat door, then gestured to her inside. Liang Wan gave him a faint smile and entered the car. Xiao Han closed the door and walked around the car, arriving at the passenger seat door.

Liang Wan sighed softly and leaned on her seat. She found a comfortable position and closed her eyes, intending to take a nap. The hospital has been busy these few days, and she took two shifts due to a lack of personnel. Although she is used to this kind of schedule, it still causes her to be physically and mentally tired. So not long after she closed her eyes, Liang Wan fell asleep.

Xiao Han, her driver saw that she fell asleep, turned the steering wheel, and changed direction. His face was nervous and sweating while watching Liang Wan's reaction in the back. Seeing that she fell asleep, he heaved a sigh of relief.


In another car following not far away, a man took out his phone and dialed a number. The phone ring two times before it was answered. A deep gentle voice answered from the phone.

"How is it?"

The man in the car flipped his mid length hair to the side as he put the phone on speaker. " Someone is taking actions on Ms. Liang. Her driver's taking her on a different route."

The man on the other line hummed. "Follow them secretly and update me of their movements."

"I will, Xiao Xiu." The man whistled playfully as the call ended. He played a few tunes happily as he follows the car in front, eyes bright as if thinking of causing trouble.

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