Hei Xiazi was beaten (1)

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Chapter 69: Hei Xiazi was beaten (1)

Hei Xiazi looked at the piece of paper in hand and saw that it was a business card. He looked at the direction of the thrower and saw Liu Yi sitting leasurely while leaning against the trunk of the tree with no one around her. She was facing him with a mocking smile and due to the distance plus her deliberate lowered voice, he can't hear what she was saying to him but that doesn't mean someone else can't.

Liu Sang laughed out loud after hearing Liu Yi's words. He saw them looked at him with confusion and said her words in the midst of laughing.

"If you're sick, call a doctor. I happen to know one who can take care of you."

The others found something interesting as they looked at the business card held by Xiazi with the piercing 'Mental Hospital for the Elderly' in bold letters written in the back before their expression changed and loud laughter caused the others in the team to stop at their tracks.


"M-Mental Hos-pital..."

"F-for the E-e-elderly. HAHAHAHAHA."

As someone who wants to remain quiet throughout the journey, Zhang Rishan tried. He really really tried. It's just that he can't help smiling this time.

"Xiazi, y-you... Pfft!" Wu Sanxing sprayed the water he just sip from his canteen as he also can't hold on his laughter after looking. 

Zhang Qiling seems to agree with Liu Yi's idea and nodded appreciatively. 

"Very timely." He said before curling his lips in a smile as he mocked his fellow centenarian. It's a bit pleasing to see Xiazi deflated once in a while. He thought before looking away.

Hei Xiazi was aggrieved but now angry after seeing his reaction. "Don't worry Mute Zhang, you are also under this category." He spoke angrily only to get no reaction from Zhang Qiling, which makes him more angry.

Pangzi coughed as he forced himself to stop laughing to defend his brother. "Look at you." He pointed at Xiazi and then pointed at Zhang Qiling. "Then look at our Xiaoge. No one will believe you if you told them he's an elderly." He proudly and arrogantly said. After all, Xiaoge's a baby face and if he wanted to, he can even develop in the entertainment industry with just his face. If he told everyone he's 20, everyone will believe it.

"That's right. Second Uncle, If you tell the hospital he's elderly like you, they might think your mental condition... is severe." Xiao Tang added as he twirled his fingers near his head, to show someone is a madman. Seeing his second uncle looking at him angrily, he laughed pettily. Who asked his uncle to laughed at him the loudest just a while ago?

"Master, just accept the fact, no?" Looking at his master and then Zhang Qiling, Su Wan said sheepishly as he felt it makes sense. Who told his master not to take care of his skin well?

"Yeah. So if you don't want to end up looking as old as Hei Ye, you must take care of your skin. Got it?" Pangzi happily said as he pointed at the three kids and even Xiu Jingchen, who nodded.

Look at this people's words, is this what a human can say? He really regretted now, why is he friends and connected to all this people? Where's their kindness? Their sympathy? In the end, the fool is actually him?

"Sure enough. No one likes me anymore. Even you... You!" Hei Xiazi pointed at Liu Yi dramatically. "You don't love me like you used too." He shouted while 'crying' making Liu Yi rolled her eyes.

Although everyone knew not to believe Hei Xiazi's words easily, his last sentence still caught their attention. These men looked between the two of them as if looking forward for a drama. Their reactions just proved that sure enough, men are born nosy.

Zhang Qiling clench his jaw and tightened his hold with his sword. It's not the first time he felt irritated by Xiazi, but he suddenly felt that the man was very infuriating.

Beside him, Pangzi did not notice his brother's standing up as he looked at Hei Xiazi then at Liu Yi. One was fake crying and the other was indifferent as if used to it. His gossipy soul is almost coming out and felt like joking.

"Hei Ye, be careful about yourself. If Hua Ye heard how ambiguous your words are today..." Pangzi stopped and shivered. One would be feel cold at the mere thought of remembering Xie Yuchen's methods.

Hei Xiazi stand straight as he thought of what the Fatty thought of and felt chilled. Not only because he knew he'll suffer if it's true but because he felt a burning stare aimed towards him.

Looking at the source, he found Zhang Qiling holding his sword with murderous intent walking towards him. He was speechless. What triggered this guy?

"Mute Zhang, calm down." Hei Xiazi tried to stopped him but Zhang Qiling just continued walking towards him. 

Zhang Rishan watched Zhang Qiling's action and walked farther. Seeing this, the others followed knowingly. After all, they don't want to be hit indiscriminately or used as a shield by an unscrupulous guy.

Hei Xiazi was surprised at seeing Zhang Qiling suddenly appeared in front of him. His eyes widen as the tip of the black gold ancient sword almost swipe his neck making him break into cold sweat.

"Dumb Zhang! Are you trying to kill me?!" Hei Xiazi asked in disbelief at feeling the man's murderous intent. What happened to this guy? Why is Mute Zhang so pissed off and he becomes the punching bag?

Zhang Qiling's only answer was another sword move aiming towards his legs, not listening to his word at all. Did he really pissed him off?

Pangzi was eating and sharing peanuts to others while having fun watching Hei Xiazi get beaten up by Zhang Qiling. He was waiting for such moment, after all, Hei Xiazi is great at angering people. Who in this crowd is not angry at that guy?

While the crowd was watching, Zhang Qiling was a bit satisfied at beating people while Hei Xiazi was suffering.

He was distracted as the fight drags on and before he knew it, he felt a bout of pain in his stomach as he was caught off guard by Zhang Qiling's movement.

Hei Xiazi hissed as he massage his aching stomach. He felt like a bruise will form with how hard he was kicked by Zhang Qiling.

Zhang Qiling stared at Hei Xiazi one more time before looking behind the man, who stiffened as he felt a familiar presence behind him. Hei Xiazi was so distracted that he didn't notice her coming near them.

"Done?" Liu Yi inquired and watched as Zhang Qiling nod. 

This seems to be the first time the two of them interacted with each other. Sadly, it has to end. After all, she had to teach someone else a lesson.

Hei Xiazi turned around slowly and shivered as he saw Liu Yi holding a whip she took from somewhere. She was smiling at him sweetly but her eyes were scary.

"Liu Yi..." Hei Xiazi called her weakly at seeing her walking towards him. 

What sin did he do that everyone wants to take turns to beat him up? He cried out internally.

"Liu Yi, what?" She questioned while raising her eyebrow.

"Calm down. We need to be in our best condition for this exploration, you know?" What a joke! Let her punish him obediently? Might as well let Mute Zhang kick his stomach countless times.

"Oh?" Liu Yi stopped as if thinking it out but then shake her head. "But Master strictly reminded me to punish you this time or else you'll run away if it's later."

"Run away? Who? Me?! Rest assured, I won't run away." Hei Xiazi immediately denied shamelessly while closely watching the movement of her whip. "Let's talk. How about you put it down first? This is not a safe place. We'll talk about this thing later, okay?" He appeased her again as he took a step back.

Liu Yi looked at Hei Xiazi, considering his words and nodded. It's indeed not safe right now. So she gave him one more look before turning around.

Hei Xiazi looked relieved seeing her walking away. He thought that was the end of this farce so he immdiately relaxed his stance, hissing while touching his stomach.

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