New Companion

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Chapter 40: New Companion

Group Three. On the road.

Wu Xie looked out of the window, deep in thought. Their group is still on the road toward their destination. At this time, the other groups should have arrived at their destinations. Possibly, they already have some clues on hand.

The sound of a car honking snapped him out of his deep thoughts and he noticed a black van on the left side of their car and a red car on the right. The red car was the one honking at them and he saw Hei Yanjing open the window and wave at the car. The red car window opened revealing a man in black leather with bright red hair showing a goofy grin on his handsome face. He flashed a smirk on Hei Yanjing before looking in his direction.

Wu Xie was surprised that the man seemed to be able to feel his stares and glance back at him through the tinted window glasses. The man stared for a while before looking back at Hei Yanjing.

A walkie-talkie was thrown to Hei Yanjing before the man saluted and closed the car window. Wu Xie watched as the red car slowed down and moved its position behind their car.

"Who is that?" Xie Yuchen asked after seeing their actions. These people must be someone Hei Yanjing knows.

"I brought companions. They are friends at work." Hei Yanjing said nonchalantly as if it was a trivial matter.

"Do you have friends at work?!"

"You have friends?!"

Wu Xie and Li Cu said respectively, surprised in their voice. Hei Yanjing looked back and seemed to be at a loss at their reaction. Li Cu and Wu Xie looked at him up and down while his Hua'er was giggling at the side.

"Do I look like a loner?" Hei Yanjing asked with a surprised expression.

"Yes!" The two said in a chorus again. Xie Yuchen was still giggling at the side, looking at Hei Yanjing's disbelief.

"Well, you can't blame them. Aside from us, we have never seen you with your friends before." Xie Yuchen explained to him with a soft voice. Hei Yanjing nodded while also thinking that it was true. He never really introduced his friends in front of them. Well, he did introduce Liu Yi but she's not actually...

'Nevermind. I'll let them go just this time.' He sat back in his seat properly while looking in front. The trio behind them finally stopped their teasing and turned serious.

"So, how many are there?" Wu Xie asked after looking at the rearview mirror. He found other cars at the back, which seems to be included in their party.

"These two vehicles on either side of us plus those three cars behind." The trio behind was surprised. It felt like they were some important figures being escorted by bodyguards.

"It feels like going to war with all these people?" Wu Xie looked uncertain. 'Clearly, they are not going to some warzone, right?' He thought with confusion.

"Maybe we are, maybe we are not. Who can guess the madness of our enemies? It's better to be prepared." Hei Yanjing shrugged after he said these. Right now, the best they can do is be prepared. Their enemies seem to be mercenaries, who communicate with guns and don't know diplomatic talks.

At this time, a phone rang breaking the silence inside the car. He looked in front and saw Xiao Hua taking out his phone before answering the call. Xie Yuchen seemed to put the phone on speaker as the loud sound of Xing Yao's voice filled the car.

"Brother, Shen Xi's group already left the hotel with some clues a while ago while I just finished talking with Kan Jian. They are able to talk with Tang Lou for a while before leaving." The fast sound of keyboard clicking can be heard from Xing Yao's background. He seems to be doing some work.

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