A visit

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Chapter 58: A visit

Wang Pangzi wiped Zhang Qiling's face with wet towel as sweat formed continuously due to fever. HIs face was unusually pale in contrast to his wheat skin of the pass, dark hair sticky on his forehead due to sweat, and pale lips as if he lost some blood, making Pangzi felt a heartache for his good friend. The usual cheerful man was sighing worriedly as his friend's fever never went away for two days in a row now. At this rate, Pangzi is afraid Zhang Qiling will turn into a fool.

Sounds of footsteps came from the outside making Pangzi noticed the new arrival. Seeing it was Hei Xiazi, he nodded as a greeting. 

"Did they say what happened last night?" Wang Pangzi asked curiously while focusing back on wiping Zhang Qiling.

Hei Xiazi put down the container of snacks he was holding. Pangzi took a whiff of the smell and found that it was roasted peanut. "A dozen men entered Wushanju to rob. In the end, they failed and was captured by Wu Erbai's men." Xiazi said and clicked his tongue. Their enemies seem to treat the Wu as if they're sick cat not knowing they provoked a group of nasty, sly old foxes, especially after they took their cub named Wu Xie.

"Are you sure it's robbery? What are they here for? Most items here are fake." Wang Pangzi chuckled amusedly as recalled some memories. "They would have profited more if they kidnap one of us here." He throws out a joke, though the smile on his face didn't reach his eyes as a hint of concealed anger flashed in his eyes before it disappeared.

"Do you think they can survive kidnapping someone in Wu family's territory, especially with Wu Erbai and Wu Sanxing's men inside?" Hei Xiazi sat down lazily at the foot of the bed, putting a bowl of peanut beside Pangzi. "Besides they were targeting Wu Erbai's study, the basement, or any room with antiques last night."

"What the hell does those people want? Causing another trouble before we can---" Pangzi paused on his speech as he heard Zhang Qiling humming uncomfortably in the bed.

"Mute Zhang?" Hei Xiazi asked with concern after he noticed and hover worriedly.

"Xiaoge? Are you awake, Xiaoge?" He frowns seeing no reply as Zhang Qiling continued humming uncomfortably as if having a nightmare. Seeing him like this only makes Pangzi felt helpless. Usually, things which needs caring are for him to solve but when it comes to Xiaoge, only Wu Xie can take care of him. But now that he's kidnapped, Pangzi is at his wits end.

Both his friends are in bad situation and all he can do is watch. There's nothing crueler than being helpless when they need him the most.


It was a few hours' drive before Zhang Rishan arrived at one of the houses that Zhang family resides. He walked towards the seemingly ordinary but actually deadly gate made out of stone. He traced the surface of the yin yang symbol until he felt the mechanism. With a slight push, the sound of mechanism rolling as a clicked sounded before the door opened slowly revealing a person standing straight, who greeted him with a smile. He saw this person before, always beside Zhang Haike as his confidant.

"Good afternoon. A pleasant surprise for your visit, President Zhang." The man greeted politely.

Zhang Rishan was straightforward with his purpose. "Is Zhang Haike inside?"

Although the man was surprised, he still nodded. "He's at his office. Shall we?"

Zhang Rishan gave a polite nod and followed the man inside the house. Along the way, he cannot help but noticed that no one is in sight, which is not a surprise as this place is only one of the houses the main branch of the Zhang family owns, and they won't be concentrated in one place. He'll be more surprised if they are many of them here, which means something happened.

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