Sentiments (2)

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Chapter 61: Sentiments (2)

At the same time. Twin Palace.

Xue Lei finishes his duty for the day and walks towards the infirmary wing to visit his Master. He opened the door gently, as if afraid to disturb the person inside. Out of habit, he looked at the bed only to be struck dumb after finding no one in there, with the bed remaining untidy. He rushed inside the room worriedly as he searched around only to end up fruitlessly. He scoffed as he closed his eyes briefly before taking out his phone to call his fourth brother.

He looked outside the window as he waited impatiently for his fourth brother to answer, only to notice the darkening sky. His eyes widened in panic as if remembering something just as the sound of thunder was heard.


On the other side of the mansion. Xiu Jingchen's study.

"Did our fifth brother leave already?" Six asked boredly.

"I think he must have arrived at Zhang by now."

"Tsk. Knowing Chu Lingyun's personality, Zhang Haike will surely suffer."

Xiu Jingchen listened to Six and Eight in the background as he worked on some documents. Unlike his younger brothers (mainly six and eight), who only knew gossiping, he had some serious work to do. His phone suddenly rang, making him snap out of his thoughts.

He took his phone out and found his youngest brother calling. "Hello, Little Nine? What's the pr---" His words were cut off as his face changed. "Okay, I'll tell the others."

The duo heard this which makes them focus on Four.

"What happened?" Both said at the same time.

"Master woke up and ran away again." A trace of helplessness leaked from his tone as he faced his brothers.

"Master is really..." The silver white-haired youth also felt the same helplessness towards their master's careless action and shook his head. "She's still weak and it's darkening outside. Let's go look for her."

The brothers search their master's favorite places first, places she always went when she's free, like the library or greenhouse but didn't find her.

So, all four brothers searched the whole place and finally found their worrisome Master at the bamboo forest behind the mountain an hour later.

The brother was gasping, a little out of breath but was finally able to sigh in relief. If their master really hid herself, no one would be able to find her so they were thankful at seeing her in the premise.

As the others finally calmed down and were about to walk towards her, Xue Lei raised his hand to stop them. The brothers stopped and stared at the figure dressed in white before they understood. Although they are dozens of meters away from their master, it cannot stop them from feeling the melancholy exuded by her.

"Master is sad again. Is she remembering the past again?" Six whispered weakly at the other three, his voice full of worry.

No one answered him, so he followed and remained quiet.

The brothers looked at the reliable but equally weak back of the person they look up to, who seems to be burdened. Many people think that being powerful means you can take anything and being able to live for longer than normal human age means the joy of not facing death yet, but only those who experience it know that along with longevity is the sorrow of watching the people you care the most die while you can't do anything about it. No money, no power, and no tricks can make them stay. But the cruelest thing above all is that for those left behind, living is the most painful. Living along with the painful memories she can never forget nor escape from.

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