Sudden disappearance

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Chapter 3: Sudden disappearance

A few hours later, the white van stops outside the Xie residence. Wu Xie gently shakes Zhang Qiling awake and tells him in a soft voice that they are here. Zhang Qiling immediately sits, feeling refreshed, and asks Wu Xie about his legs.

"It's fine, just slightly numb." Wu Xie smiles softly at the silent man, who looks at his face and then relaxes when he sees that Wu Xie is really fine.

Pangzi and Wang Meng look at each other, both still with the teasing smile directed at the two in the back. The gate opens, and Wang Meng drives through and stops at the entrance of the residence. Everybody gets out of the door and Wu Xie turns to look at the front door, seeing Su Wan beside Xiao Hua and Hei Xiazi, his worry resurfaces again thinking about the missing kid.

"Let's go inside first." Wu Xie nodded at Xiazi and Su Wan. "Okay." Xiao Hua patted his shoulder and led him inside the house.

When we got to the living room, Xing Yao was there with his gadgets. He looked up when he heard footsteps and nodded to everyone.

"We heard about what happened from Su Wan. These few years, there have been a few problems in our circle. I guess someone wants to start trouble now that it's calm."

Xie Yuchen sat down on the sofa in front of his cousin, Hei Xiazi immediately followed and looked at Wu Xie.

"This is possible, after all, even if you retire from the circle people still remember your achievements."

"But I never heard of anything big recently, so I don't think it's because of that."

"Is it enemies? You offended a lot of people." Wu Xie shook his head no. His instinct tells him differently.

"Yes, I offended people, but most of them are dead." Wu Xie paused, "This time, I feel like the matter is not simple." He stops talking and looks at Xie Yuchen.

"Did you find something?" Xie Yuchen nodded and turned to his brother.

"I hacked the apartment's CCTV but there's no record since two weeks ago---" He started talking when he saw that.

"Then it's a dead end? Xiao Sanye, what do we do?" Xing Yao glared at Wang Meng for interrupting him. Wang Meng saw his glare and immediately shut up.

"As I was saying, the CCTV inside the apartment was under maintenance so there was no capture of the kidnappers." He turned the monitor towards us and continued. "But... I checked the cameras around the neighborhood and I found a hidden camera at the back of the apartment. Here, this was recorded five days ago at midnight."

The recording shows a few people walking around the apartment building at midnight. Suddenly, a black van stops at the entrance. Five minutes later five injured people wearing black suits holding an unconscious Li Cu exit the building and enter the van.

"I tried to track the road they passed by using the cameras and a few minutes later they disappeared. I checked the plate number of the car but it was a stolen one, and those five people, I scan their faces in the database but it shows 'no record'."

Silence spreads across the room, no one wants to talk when they see the expression on Wu Xie's face. Even the talkative Fatty doesn't want to disturb Wu Xie when he is this serious.

"Xiao Hua, did you send someone to the apartment?" Wu Xie turned to Xie Yuchen. Xiao Hua nodded.

"The moment I heard about it from Su Wan I sent some men to investigate, we'll hear from them later." Wu Xie nodded.

"Make sure to take pictures, I wanna see what happened there. Also, make sure they take the round clock in the living room." Xiao Hua agreed and walked away to call someone.

"Ah Yao, bother you to track down Li Cu's parents just to make sure." Wu Xie asked Xiao Hua's brother, who nodded and turned to look at Pangzi. "Call Ershu to tell him Li Cu is missing, he'll understand what I mean... and make sure to tell him not to be heard by Nai Nai." Fatty immediately takes an action and walks to the side to take a call.

"Wang Meng, tell Kan Jian and Liu Sang to take Yang Hao here. Su Wan, you call Yang Hao, tell him to prepare as someone will meet him and take him here." Wu Xie makes a series of commands towards everyone, leaving only him, Xiaoge, and Hei Xiazi.

"Xiao Sanye, do you want me to work too? I can give you a discount." A smiling Hei Xiazi asks suddenly. Xiao Hua who can hear it from outside through the open window shook his head.

'This man...'

Wu Xie ignored him and closed his eyes for a moment. It was silent for a while.

"Wu Xie, they will send the pictures in fifteen minutes." Xiao Hua said, walking back from outside and then looking at his brother, "Ah Yao, did you find something?" Xing Yao didn't reply for a while, then looked at the others, his face showing hesitation.

"I don't know if Li Cu's parents have something to do with this, but..." He looks at the screen, slight shock can be seen all over his face. He suddenly looks at Wu Xie, whose eyes are still closed, then at Xiao Hua who is waiting for him to continue.

"It's just, someone else appeared that night, someone we believe is either alive and just missing or dead." Now everyone's expression is not right. Someone who is possibly dead is back at this time, they don't know if they should be happy or more worried.

"Who is it?" Hei Xiazi walks over with a serious face, thinking if a possible dead enemy is out there, alive and seeking revenge. He looks at Mute Zhang, Wu Xie, and his beloved Hua'er. Whether it's an enemy or not, he'll help them.

'Just with a price, hehe.' He smirks inside his head and focuses on Xiao Hua's brother again, his eyes widen as he looks at the screen.

"Impossible! This old fox must be immortal." Wu Xie suddenly had a sudden premonition, unsure if that person is the one he is thinking about, he also walked over to the computer. Wu Xie's eyes flash, the picture of that man just confirms his suspicion.

"Okay, stop being mysterious and tell us already." Pangzi impatiently said, "Don't tell me it's Third Master Wu, that is one fox who always goes missing."

Indeed. It is Wu Sanxing, his very own third uncle, whose head nor tail can't be seen anywhere.

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