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Chapter 36: Dispatching

It was the earliest hours of the morning and the whole sky was filled with darkness. Only the light shined by the lonely moon helped in showing the surroundings. Under the sky, vegetation can be seen stretching more than a human sight can see. Tall trees along with bushes and grass are what can be seen most in that forest area.

A pair of black combat boots stomped lightly on the path made of soil, completely soiling it. His face and clothes are clean despite the state of his shoes. The owner did not pay any mind and moved swiftly as he continued his journey leaving the forest.

For a normal person, staying in a wild forest for such a long time would be a torment but for him, no impatience can be seen in his face. He has been in this forest for more than fifteen days, performing a mission specifically tasked by his boss.

The task was simple, all he had to do is to activate the mechanism when he saw someone appear in the designated place in the middle of the forest, and make sure that person fell inside, simple as that.

Though he cannot help his curiosity as to why his boss would send that person inside that place. As he knew that place was something his boss protected from anyone else. Sighing, he did not think more and walked faster. He still needs to report back to headquarters as soon as possible.


Morning came and everyone except Hei Yanjing, Xie Yuchen, and Liu Yi gathered in the living room. Some looked refreshed while some had dark circles underneath their eyes.

Wu Xie closed his eyes while leaning on the sofa. His hand massaging his head aching from suddenly waking up to a nightmare he doesn't remember. The others remained quiet seeing this and waited patiently.

Hearing footsteps, Wu Xie opened his eyes and found the couple walking toward them, who sat down on the only available seat in the room. He frowned as he looked in the direction of the stairs and found no one following the two.

"She is not awake yet." Hei Yanjing said. He felt a funny feeling as he saw Wu Xie's action of looking behind them. He saw Wu Xie nod and cross his arm, causing him to not help but secretly smile. For some reason, Wu Xie seems to be attracted to Liu Yi and he can't blame him. It shows that he is starting to feel it. Internally, he felt happy but that happiness was swept away as he frowned while thinking of something. He sighs before putting his attention on the group.

"We'll separate into three groups on finding clues." He started. "The first group is after the antique dealer, Tang Lou. The second group will check Pangzi's hotel room. The third group will go to the port where Pangzi was last seen." He turned to his Hua'er who nodded at seeing him finishing his talk before telling the others their designated group.

"Wang Meng, you take Kan Jian and Liu Sang with you to Tang Lou's villa. Xing Yao would send the location to you on the way..." The mentioned trio nodded their heads at the arrangement.

"Shen Xi and Shen Li, you take Li Cu, Su Wan, and Yang Hao with you to CLYF hotel where Pangzi stayed." The Shen twins have no problem with the arrangement and did not say anything while the trio only nodded.

"Li Cu stays with me." Wu Xie cut off Xie Yuchen without any expression. Xie Yuchen looked back at him, slightly puzzled by the sudden request.

"Wu Xie?" He said feeling worried seeing Wu Xie massaging his head.

"Li Cu stays with me." He just repeated what he said without an explanation before looking at everyone else. "Also, there's a big possibility that something will happen to all groups, so make sure to be vigilant at all times." Hearing this, they only nodded in acceptance and Xie Yuchen agreed at his cousin's request.

Keeper | The Lost Tomb FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora