The night before departure

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Chapter 32: The night before departure

Wu Erbai and Wu Sanxing arrived late in the evening the next day in Wushanju. They are surprised to see the main hall still with its lights on. Confused, they walked over only to find their two nephews and their friends in the middle of talking.

Wu Xie, who sat down with his sight at the entrance, saw his uncles the moment they entered and stopped talking. The others did not hear him continue and looked over in his direction only to see him looking somewhere. They turned to where he was focused and also saw the two Wu brothers.

"Third Uncle. Second Uncle." Xie Yuchen said as he stood up. The others followed on greeting, leaving Wu Xie, who remained seated.

"You are back." The two nodded at everyone then turned to Wu Xie and gave a subtle worried gaze before Wu Sanxing walked over to his side. Wu Sanxing holds his nephew's shoulder as if checking him and sighs in relief after seeing that aside from paleness, his nephew is fine.

Eyes full of curiosity, he stared at his second uncle Wu Erbai, who is checking his condition with his eyes, and his third uncle Wu Sanxing, who dodge his eyes the moment he saw Wu Xie looking at him. Wu Xie only gave him a strange look before looking away. He did not notice the sigh of relief his third uncle released after seeing him walk away. Wu Erbai, who is beside him, saw his guilty actions and just shook his head.

"So what are you talking about?" Wu Erbai sat down beside Wu Xie after his brother checked Wu Xie's condition and asked the others what their meeting is all about.

"Someone sent a package to Xiao Sanye. A necklace with blood on it." Wu Erbai frowned when he heard that from Kan Jian. He and his brother just left for a while and someone had already moved on to his nephew. It seems like what his brother told him was true.

"Who is it?" Wu Sanxing asked after he saw that his nephew was fine. Wu Xie, seeing their attentions are not on him, takes a cup of tea in front of his mouth, hiding his wince as he felt the strange tattoo on his back aching. He was surprised when he woke up and knew about it from Li Cu's mouth, but after a few days, he would have forgotten it if not for the random aching he felt when he moved too much. Placing his cup back to the table, he brought back his attention to the group.

"Xiao Sanye said it belongs to Pangzi." Kan Jian said softly while discreetly looking at Wu Xie. Everyone knows how important Pangzi is to Wu Xie. They have sworn to be brothers for life and death. So the mere mention of anything about Pangzi right now must cause Wu Xie to feel sad.

And they are right. Right now, Wu Xie is sad but at the same time, he is angry. Angry at those people who keep messing with their life and at himself, for letting his guard down after what happened to Li Cu.

The room felt solemn all of a sudden as all of them looked at Wu Xie secretly. Each one of them knew how much Pangzi means to Wu Xie, and now he is in danger, he must be feeling out of it, especially since Zhang Qiling is not here to comfort him. But aside from that, one of the reasons for their silence is the feeling of a dangerous aura coming from Wu Xie, something he does not seem to notice doing.

"So what is the plan?" Wu Sanxing diverts the topic to cut off the bad atmosphere. If they continue, it might make his nephew disheartened more. And the others might feel uncomfortable.

"For now, we'll go to Guangzhou to check the last places Pangzi was in before he disappeared. Maybe we can find a clue as to where he might be. I already booked train tickets for tomorrow. " Xie Yuchen informed his uncles. All clues lead to Guangzhou, so they must go there to check.

"Who will go?" Wu Erbai asked them. Almost everyone in the room raised their hands, aside from Bai She, who is needed in the manor, the two kids Su Wan and Yang Hao, and the two Wu brothers.

"Can we go?" Su Wan asked hesitantly, his hand raised in the air. He placed it back on his lap after seeing all the people in the room looking at him with amusement.

"Do you even have to ask?" Hei Yanjing said while raising his right eyebrow at him. Su Wan looked down at his hand in a dejected manner. Yang Hao beside him also showed a disappointed expression on his face. He knew that his master would not allow him to come but he had to try. Xie Yuchen, who is sitting beside the Hei Yanjing elbowed him at his rib for teasing the kids.

"Come if you want." Hei Yanjing said as he looked at his Hua'er glaring at him, "Only in real combat can you progress in your martial arts." Su Wan and Yang Hao looked up in surprise, which changed to excitement at hearing him agree. The others looked at the two being energetic as they high-fived each other, before suddenly remembering Li Cu. They looked at Li Cu and found him sitting lazily in the chair beside Wu Xie, in the same position as his mentor.

"What?" Li Cu said when he found the two looking at him. The two gave him a look and he rolled his eyes when he understood.

"I'll go even if he doesn't want to." Li Cu said while pointing at his mentor, who looked at him faintly but did not say anything.

Everyone knows his temper and no one persuaded him not to go. Like his mentor, both of them will go even if no one lets them, especially Wu Xie. Even if someone forbade him from going to Guangzhou because he was still recuperating, Wu Xie would definitely sneak out and travel regardless, something Li Cu has taken after from his mentor. So it's better to take Wu Xie and Li Cu with them, at least someone will look after them.

"Then that's settled. Go back and take a rest then." Wu Erbai said. Everyone agreed and left the main hall. It's better to rest now since they will leave early in the morning tomorrow, and no one wants to feel tired on the way.

Only the two brothers were left looking at the leaving group, their expressions unreadable. No one spoke between the two of them as they looked deep in thought. As for what they were thinking, only the two of them know.

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