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Chapter 26: Saved

At the top of houses in an area, a woman, in a black bodysuit and a long dark purple robe almost as dark as the night, ran at lightning speed while looking around the place. Her black boots did not create a sound as if she did not weigh anything. She abruptly stops as she hears something five hundred meters from her left side, a phone ringing. She did not waste any time and ran to that position.

When she arrived, she saw a man with his hand holding a dagger and aiming it at an unconscious person. She immediately took her knife and then aimed and threw it at the man, causing him to collapse beside the unconscious person with a groan in pain.

The woman jumped down from the roof near their bodies and saw what the two people looked like. Her eyes narrowed as she saw the person unconscious was Wu Xie. As she walk near them, the man beside Wu Xie raised himself from the ground and tried to pierce the dagger to her stomach only for her to take a hold of the man's wrist and twisted it before using her other hand in punching him square in the face continuously and did not stop even when he was knocked out.

Shortly after that, a hand stops hers from moving. She looked up to see who it was and saw a familiar man wearing sunglasses, even when it was night.

"It's dirty." Hei Yanjing said to the woman in front of her and let her drop the battered man to the ground. He whistled seeing her work and felt a little pity towards the guy, knowing that the bastard on the ground would rather wish he was dead than offend the woman beside him. He looked for her only to see her taking off her gloves, throwing them in disgust before scanning Wu Xie's condition.

Hei Yanjing saw that she calmed down and walked towards her side, his feet stomping on something on the ground intentionally, and the sound of bone breaking can be heard causing satisfaction to the ones who can hear it. He ignored it and sat down before studying Wu Xie's condition and noticed traces of powder on his clothing. He pokes it with his pointing and middle finger and raises it to his nose.

"This is a powder used to paralyze and faint someone. With all this powder around Wu Xie, does that man plan to kill?" Not only a man in his prime can't take it, even an elephant will collapse when he encounters this kind of powder. Now he did not feel any pity for the beaten man behind them.

Hei Yanjing made a sound of disapproval before turning to the woman beside him, who took something from her pocket. It was a syringe full of unknown yellow liquid. Seeing the familiar medicine, Hei Yanjing did not say anything and let the woman inject it into Wu Xie.

Seeing that she is still busy tending to Wu Xie, he stands up and looks around the place. The place was a mess as trash and traces of blood were on the ground. He saw a phone and a dagger near Wu Xie and walked towards them. Picking up the two items that belong to Wu Xie, he turned around but stopped as the phone in his hand was ringing. Looking at it, he saw the name of Hua'er and immediately answered the phone.

"Wu Xie! Where are you?!" An anxious Xie Yuchen shouted through the phone, who was slightly relieved that the phone was answered.

"Master Hua, it's me." The anxious person on the other line paused for a second before asking.

"Yanjing! Did you find Wu Xie? Where are you? I'll come right away!" Hei Yanjing heard a commotion on the other line and the sound of someone moving around. The people in Wushanju must still be in chaos as Wu Xie did not go home at the time he stated.

"No need. I'll come back with Wu Xie in a bit. Wait for us." He did not immediately hang up and waited for the other party to agree before he hung up.

Sighing, Hei Yanjing looked at the woman and saw she still had not finished cleaning Wu Xie's face. He watched as she gently moved the cotton balls to Wu Xie's last wound and put those trash and medicines in a small bag that appeared out of nowhere.

"Is it done, Xiao Liu?" The woman called Little Liu turned to glare as she heard her nickname from Hei Yanjing and rolled her eyes at him.

"Done." She put the small bag on her waist before hiding it behind her long robe, "He'll probably be in a coma for at least three days but he'll be fine when he wakes up." She signals him to lift Wu Xie from the ground. He picked him up and then was about to put the unconscious man on his shoulder when Xiao Liu stopped him.

Hei Yanjing was shocked inside as he saw her take off her robe and put it on Wu Xie gently. She then supports him as they put Wu Xie on his back. Such an item was given to Wu Xie, to others it might look like it's nothing but to them, it's something. Despite the shock, he did not think more and asked why she did it since he knew she wouldn't say it and he remembered his Hua'er waiting anxiously.

"Right. Any side effects?" He asked after the two secured Wu Xie.

"Probably wake up weak with a hangover." She then took out a small red firework and lit it up before leaving it on the ground. Hei Yanjing, knowing what it means, ignored it. He waited for her to finish before leaving the alley, striding towards Wushanju.

After they left, a group of people entered the alley and cleaned the mess around, not leaving any trace before they also left, leaving the alley like before, as if nothing had happened.

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