Familiar (4)

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Chapter 67: Familiar (4)

"Li Clan of Barren Land. They are barbarian tribes hidden in Mongolia, who are usually vicious and cunning with little to no respect to others unless you can beat them in a fight because that's the only way you can earn their respect though that rarely happens. But that was in the past. Rumor has it that they have a new young clan leader, who is elegant and refine, changed their barbaric ways and became amiable to other clans." Xiu Jingchen answered instead. Knowing his eight brother, the mere fact that there's a Li clan before is already a feat, giving information more than that is simply a miracle.

"The Li clan's young master sounds approachable."

"Yeah, I think it shouldn't be them?" The two duckling asked causing Xiao Tang to clicked his tongue in disapproval.

"If you knew about them, you wouldn't think so. What if they just hid their claws but their vicious nature never changes? Although you can earn their respect by winning the fight but that happens rarely and besides, did you know what happens to those who won the fight?"


"Dead. Except for those with the backing of Noble Clans, all of the rest are dead. Even some unimportant people with powerful background died."

Pangzi hissed. "How vicious indeed."

Xiao Tang leaned on the chair proudly after showing off his knowledge. It's not a bad thing that he hid from his brothers and read the books at the archive room out of boredom. He can finally surprise his brother and second uncle and maybe his first sister.

Sure enough he saw surprise on both Hei Xiazi and Xiu Jingchen then saw them looked at each other funnily.

Hei Xiazi held his chin in wonder. "Fourth, what did you feed this kid before we left?"

"I don't know? Pig brains?" Xiu Jingchen said absentmindedly while thinking, is he still dreaming? His eight brother actually read a book?

Xiao Tang was speechless. Is this indirectly saying he's stupid?

"Pfftt." Everyone else was either smiling or laughing out loud as their conversation was heard quite clearly, especially Pangzi. Even the two Zhang's and Liu Yi smiled slightly at the dumbfounded expression of Xiao Tang.

Wu Sanxing also laughed while massage his head for the nth time listening to this brats divert the conversation. He was thinking of advising his brothers before to add another child to the family before as early as Lu Palace with how Wu Xie was enchanted by Zhang Qiling, they might need a new heir. Thankfully he was so busy and ended up forgetting it, ending with no addition to the Wu family, or he might ran away more often than before than to suffer watching kids chittering unseriously in front of him.

"So it's either Li Clan or Wang Clan. Or maybe even both?!" Thankfully, Liu Sang diverted back the conversation after smiling slightly.

"Wrong again." This time, it was Zhang Rishan who objected.


He looked at them seriously. "You should know how terrible human nature is when their interests are moved."

Hei Xiazi smiled with sarcasm. "It's not surprising. No matter how neutral those clans appear, if there is something they want to get no matter what, they'll immediately torn the amiable mask and fight to death to get what they want. Especially, since the matter this time is very important opportunity for those clans."

"Opportunity? What opportunity?" Wu Sanxing was surprised.

"That." Hei Xiazi pointed to the northwest direction. "A prince from an unknown fallen dynasty accidentally found the dwelling of an immortal. Does that ring a bell?"

"So that tomb that we're going now is that prince's tomb? There's a lot of baby?" Pangzi eyes almost turned into money symbol.


"Then this is really a trap? Then why are we still here?" Su Wan looked uneasy as he looked at the money-grubbing face of his master. He had a bad premonition this trip would be a mess.

Hei Xiazi looked at his young disciple with displease expression. "Because whether we are willing or not, we need to go. Only in this way can we figure out what the enemy wants. As Sun Tzu said, 'If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles'. So this trap, we really have to go."

Xiao Tang almost chocked on his food. "F*ck, Second Uncle. Since when did you become philosophical?" He shouted with wide eyes.

"Just eat your popcorn, kid." Hei Xiazi deadpanned.

"Okay, be serious." Wu Sanxing glared at them as he looked at the time. "We have no prior knowledge about the enemy's plan. As of now, I'll make a few arrangements..."

Liu Yi stopped listening and looked out the window. Since the enemy is still in the dark, she can't make an accurate plan on how to proceed. She admit it was kind of reckless of her to go here without knowing who the enemy is and plan. It's just that when she heard Wu Xie was taken away... she became impulsive.

Forget it. It's not like it's the first time Liu Yi did this. She just hope nothing bad happened to them.

The group talked a few more hours then finishes at dusk so they decided to eat their dinner early.

After having dinner, the rest planned to sleep early as they will leave before the sun rises. Xiaoge disappeared from everyone's view first as he leaves for his room after Pangzi waved goodnight at him. The rest especially the youngsters followed, after all, they were quite tired from the journey this morning.


The moon shines brightly as the cold breeze enveloped the dark mountains.

Liu Yi walked out of the house silently, still wide awake. Although she knew they planned to move early in the morning, she still can't stop tossing in her bed. She's been living for many decades and she thought she was already calm and indifferent, but it was hard to stay calm under such circumstances. The matter of the mastermind behind the scene and the possible consequences of other things won't let her rest even for a moment. 

Besides, that man. His stares are hunting her, making her nervous and uneasy, wondering if that guy can recognize her. Just the mere thought of the consequences she'll face if he --- no, if they found out...

Sighing, she left the village and walk towards the woods, bringing her sword with her. When she arrived at a clearing, she looks around and sigh in relief at the clear signs of people. She took off her long robe showing her dark purple hair shining under the moonlight and unsheathe the swords on her back, positioning at the start of her sword dance.

She pointed the tip to the sky and move it down slowly, her body moves with the silent music of nature, gentle and soft. Listening to the wind, she closed her eyes and focus on the sound of nature. Every grass, every wind, every insect as if hearing a lullaby.

Suddenly, the tempo changes and she open her eyes, moving sharply from left and right, vigorously chopping on nothing but air as if facing an invisible enemy. Her hair dances along her movement; sharp, eager, and full of power. She twirls the sword with familiarity, causing a certain someone watching her to narrow his eyes.

Unbeknownst to Liu Yi, someone arrived at the clearing first.

Zhang Qiling watches Liu Yi doing her sword dance, his eyes seriously looking at the sword moves which became familiar to him the longer he looked. He remains silent and waited for the girl to finish and leave before jumping down the tree he was hiding in.

Many thoughts swirled in his mind, but one thing has been nagging him the first time he saw her.

"Liu Yi..." He mouthed slowly as if feeling the name on his lips. "Have we met before?" His soft whisper filled the silent clearing, enveloped by the cold breeze as he stand there in a daze.


From now on, I'll update 1 chapter per week. But if I have an extra draft I might add 1 more chapters or 2, It really depends.

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