Liu Yi

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Chapter 33: Liu Yi

The group arrived at the train station that morning near the departure time. They entered the train, carefully placing the three kids and Wu Xie in the middle as they looked around for their seats.

Kan Jian leads the way all through the front of the train where their seats are and distribute their tickets. They chose a soft sleeper compartment, so the journey is comfortable for them. Wu Xie was put in the same compartment as his cousin and Hei Yanjing, with Li Cu following. Opposite them are Kan Jian and Liu Sang, who took the two kids while the twins and Xing Yao shared with Wang Meng beside Wu Xie's compartment.

Wu Xie climbed to the right upper berth, with Li Cu opposite him. He put his bag on the side before closing his eyes and laying down to rest. Although he was not as weak as when he woke up, he still felt tired from moving early in the morning. He felt movements below him and knew that it was his cousin and Hei Yanjing moving around. A hand patted his shoulder causing him to open his eyes. He saw his cousin holding a thermos to him.

"Drink this first, then sleep." Xie Yuchen said as he poured the soup into a cup. Wu Xie could see his concern, so having no choice, he raised himself and took the cup from Xiao Hua's hands. The soup was warm and comfortable, as he sipped it, he couldn't help but praise whoever made this in his mind.

Xie Yuchen took the cup after seeing him finish it and left him alone. He lay down on the berth and closed his eyes. Surprisingly, he felt sleepy despite his brain thinking of Zhang Qiling and Pangzi. Unable to stop it, he let the sleepiness succumb to him, drifting off to a dreamless sleep.


Wu Xie suddenly woke up with a jolt. Opening his eyes, he looked at his companion only to see himself alone, his three companions were gone from their berth while sounds came from outside. Jumping down the berth, he placed his left hand behind him, searching for the dagger he strapped on his back.

Slowly opening the door a little, he peeked outside to see the situation. He found Kan Jian, with his hands holding his slingshot, and Liu Sang, who is standing beside him in front of the door. They look serious as they watch something happening in front of them.

His eyes met Liu Sang who heard his movement, who shook his head at him. Being himself, Wu Xie did not listen and walked out of the room to their side since he felt strange at being warned not to go out and add the noise he was hearing, which powered his curiosity more. He looked at where they were staring and his eyes widened seeing Li Cu, Xie Yuchen, and Hei Yanjing fighting with ten people wearing black. Seeing their outfit, it was the same as the man who tried to kidnap him in the dark alley. Finding some of his companions missing, he looked at his back and found the Shen twins, Su Wan, and Yang Hao fighting another group of assassins.

"What happened?" Wu Xie asked the two beside him. Liu Sang gave him an irritated look for not listening to him but still answered his question.

"I heard suspicious people lurking around our place. Master Xie and Hei Xiazi checked it and those people attacked him as soon as those people saw them." Liu Sang said while seriously watching those people fight.

Wu Xie did not ask for more and watched his cousin, Xie Yuchen holding his sword without unsheathing it while fighting with ease, Hei Yanjing, who seems to be playing with the man in black, and Li Cu, who fought those assassins seriously with a dagger. He stayed with Kan Jian and Liu Sang, as their companions seem to be able to handle the fight with ease without needing any help.

Without surprise, the fight ended with all the assassins unconscious on the floor. The trio noticed Wu Xie standing not far away and left the men on the ground to walk towards him with Li Cu at the front.

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