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Chapter 55: Fainted

"Where is Wu Xie?"

The room fell into silence and no one has the guts to look into Zhang Qiling's eyes directly. No one wants to bite the bullet and answer his questions, or more like they are afraid to catch his attention and feel the brunt of his anger.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiling's face was blank and he fell into a daze. Something that rarely happens to Xiaoge, causing Pangzi to frown. 

The room becomes suffocating which causes everyone to have difficulty in breathing. Zhang Qiling might be silent but everyone knows that it was never this bad. If the glare on the wall and his lips forming a thin line, or the hand forming a fist is an indication, then he is pissed off this time.

Yes, everyone is angry too but Xiaoge's anger is different. Wu Xie is the most important person in his life, something that everyone else knew in their heart. Even the whole tomb-robbing circle knew that they can chase, hurt, and try to kill Xiaoge, but never touch Wu Xie. 

Because everyone has a reverse scale, and in Xiaoge's case, it's Wu Xie.

It didn't take long but it felt forever before a sigh was heard as everyone was relieved of the pressure. As they look at Zhang Qiling, his face returns to indifference as he faced Hei Yanjing.

Hei Yanjing understands his look and tells him what happened these few days that he was gone.


"That's what happened these past few days..." Hei Yanjing trailed off, looking at Zhang Qiling. He watches the frown forming on his otherwise emotionless face, eyes staring at the air in a daze. 

Zhang Qiling stands up without a word, startling the people around. He turns to leave, walking towards the door.

"Xiaoge, where are you going?" Pangzi shouted weakly, seeing his movement. "At least change your clothes!" Zhang Qiling paused at his words, causing surprise. 

Hei Yanjing noticed something strange and stand up. "Yaba Zhang?"

Zhang Qiling drops the sword in his hand, metal hitting the ground and producing a sound. His hand flew to his head, pain flooding his senses. 

"Xiaoge?!" Shouts of surprise sounded inside the room as Zhang Qiling suddenly lost his footing, falling to the ground. Hei Yanjing rushed to support him and turn him around to check his condition. He found him pale, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, before his cheeks turn red, and shiver as if cold.

Regardless of his injury, Pangzi gets out of bed and runs toward Zhang Qiling. 

He looked at his friend worriedly before shouting at the other people in the room. "Quick, call for the doctor."

"I'll go! I'll go." Wang Meng rushed outside as fast as he can, followed by Su Wan and Yang Hao.

Hei Yanjing carries Zhang Qiling, putting him on Pangzi's bed.

"What the hell is happening?" Pangzi said in a panic, as he followed along. He looked at his friend in worry, sitting on his side, as they waited for the doctor.


Fifth woke up feeling cold. He yawned sleepily and stretch his aching body. Something drops creating noise in the quiet room. With a sigh, he bends down and takes the object, which turns out to be a book.

He remembered. He was reading a book to pass time as he stayed in the hospital wing to watch over their Master. Remembering the patient, he looks up towards the bed.

Master remains in the position he remembered. "It seems like she won't wake up today." He sighs in distress. He looked out of the window, only to see that it was night.

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