Her temper

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Chapter 34: Her temper

The train arrived at the station late afternoon. With one more addition to the group, they walked out of the station through a side passage and were greeted by Xie Yuchen's people, who prepared two cars enough to seat twelve of them.

Wu Xie sighed in relief when he sat down inside one of the cars, choosing the seat behind the driver, who is Wang Meng. He placed his bag under his seat while Li Cu sat down beside him. He looked outside the open door and saw his cousin and Hei Yanjing were still outside, talking to Liu Yi. He can't hear what they are talking about, but Hei Xiazi seems to be persuading her to leave with us based on his cousin also talking with her. In the end, Liu Yi entered the car and sat down at the end row without someone sitting beside her, while Hei Yanjing and Xie Yuchen sat down in between their rows.

Seeing as they are settled, Wang Meng turned on the engine before driving the car away and left the train station. Wu Xie closed his eyes the moment he felt the car move, intending to rest for the whole two-hour drive to Xiao Hua's villa.


Disregarding the traffic lights, two black vans speed through the streets. Not far away, three unknown vehicles are rushing to follow their trail. The other drivers honked at the seemingly out-of-a-movie cars racing for god-knows-what reasons.

Wu Xie woke up at the sound of tire screeching and car honking. Opening his eyes, he lost his balance due to inertia as their van accelerated and turned right at an intersection. Luckily, Li Cu was able to catch him or he would have banged his head on the windshield.

"Thanks." He said. "What is happening?" As if to answer his question, he heard the sound of bullets hitting their vehicle.

"What the?" Wu Xie looked behind his seat and found Hei Yanjing and Xie Yuchen holding guns. Shocked at what he saw, he blurted out the words loudly.

"Why do you have guns?" Hei Yanjing smirked at his shock before giving him a Glock.

"Wu Xie, someone sent a welcome party to us. See?" Hei Yanjing said before other rounds of bullets hit their car. Seeing him at ease, Wu Xie can guess that his cousin's boyfriend is prepared. Turning to the other passengers, he found Li Cu holding another gun while sitting properly, Xie Yuchen, who leaned on his seat in a relaxed posture, and Liu Yi, who was still peacefully sleeping amidst the loud shooting.

"How about the others?" He felt worried as he remembered their other companion in the other van.

"Don't worry. The Shen twins are more capable than you think. They will be fine." Xie Yuchen heard his worries about the others and reassured him.

Another rain of bullets fell on their van and this time, the collision was so loud that the only sleeping person in the car began to stir. Wu Xie wanted to ask Xie Yuchen more when the two of them heard someone cursing lowly but loud enough for them to hear.

"Sh*t!" The two looked at the source in surprise, even the silent Li Cu turned his attention to the source.

Hei Yanjing did not notice the trio's reaction. His attention is on Liu Yi, who seems uncomfortable with the disturbance. Seeing that she did not wake up, only then did he sigh in relief. Turning in front, he noticed the trio's attention on him.

"You are so scared of disturbing her. Is it bad if she woke up now?" Hei Yanjing failed to answer as his attention turned to the outside of the car, a bad feeling surging inside him.

Sure enough, the group heard the sound of an explosion and the car shook badly due to impact. Luckily, Wang Meng saw the enemy shooting at them through the side mirror, and was able to turn the car to the side to avoid the explosion.

Wu Xie bangs his head for the second time, wincing as he massages his head. Pausing his movement when hearing nothing, he looked up to see the other's condition.

'They look fine to me.' He thought, 'But why are they frozen in their seat?' Wu Xie found Hei Yanjing looking at the back seat again. But this time, he looks uneasy.

"Xiao Hua..." Wu Xie trailed off as he looked at his surprised cousin before looking in the direction of their attention. He saw Liu Yi slowly opening her eyes, her black eyes staring at him, and it sent a shiver down his back. He looked away for a while before turning back and saw her attention now on Hei Yanjing.

Wu Xie watches as she opens her hand toward Hei Yanjing, asking for something. He saw Hei Yanjing put the gun he was holding in Liu Yi's hand, staring intently at her before she spoke.

"Let the other van move beside us." The others heard her say and Xie Yuchen contacted the other van through a walkie-talkie.

"Drive to the mountain area." Wang Meng heard her say and followed her instructions. He can't help but thought to himself, how scary Hei Xiazi's friend is, just by the sound of her voice. Following the map, he turned right at another intersection and entered a tunnel area.

Seeing that only their group and the enemy's car were in the area, Liu Yi once more gave instructions to the others.

"Make the van move in front of us." After saying that, she moved in between his brother and Xie Yuchen. She clicked a button that opened the car roof window and slid half of her body outside.

Out of shock, Wu Xie instinctively raised his hand to pull her down but another hand stopped him. He looked at the owner of the hand and found Hei Yanjing wearing a serious expression on his face, which rarely happens in the presence of his cousin.

"Don't stop her." Nodding his head reluctantly, he slowly placed his hand back on his thigh.

Wu Xie felt shocked inside at his actions. He does not know why, but the mere thought of her endangering her life, like what she is doing right now, makes him feel a wave of unreasonable anger and worry. As if she is someone, whom he dearly wished to protect against danger.

Snapping out of his thoughts, he felt shocked at the situation. But this time, it is not about his feelings, but what he is seeing right now.

He did not know what happened, but two of the cars following them exploded after colliding with each other while the remaining one continued to follow. Feeling shocked once more, they are not able to prevent Liu Yi from asking Wang Meng to stop the car vertically in one place before opening the door and jumping out.

Shouting in surprise, they watch as she stands in the middle of the tunnel road and aims at the speeding car. Wu Xie felt himself sweating out of nervousness seeing as a few meters away from the car, Liu Yi aimed at the driver's seat and shot at the driver's seat. Smirking at herself, she watches as the car swivels a few centimeters to her right and bumps the thick tunnel wall. At the car's speed, it was not a surprise seeing as the car was squashed, as they can only blame themselves for overspeeding.

Smirking to herself, she turned to the surprised companions and raised her eyebrow at their open mouths before walking back to the van and relaxing in her seat.

'She's like a devil when woken up from a nap.' All of them thought in chorus. It seems like the consequence of waking her up when sleeping is dire. Instinctively, no one in the group decided to disturb her as she returned to sleep. Relaxing in their seats, the car started and before long, their vehicles disappeared from the scene.


Based on my schedule of updating chapters every two days, I'm supposed to update today. But I also update a chapter yesterday. So... 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyways, here's another chapter!

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