Familiar creature

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I'm back!!!

Life has been chaotic as it's my last year in college and losing time to write doesn't help. 

Anyways, I'll publish another chapter shortly, so do enjoy :)



Chapter 51: Familiar Creature

Rushed footsteps echo throughout the quiet forest. The sound of crushed leaves filled the ears of the men in black as they forgo hiding as they found their target. Five men in black were led by a woman in dark green as they ran after a figure not far away, faces filled with exhaustion and anger.

From a distance, a wide plain of green greeted everyone's sight. Their target stops running without facing their group. The woman noticed him stopped, and although odd, she signals her men to surround him.

"Why did you stop? Continue running." She roared, but it did not elicit any response from the man. She looked up at the moon slightly hidden by the clouds and felt bored. Every time they tried to talk to these men after hours of following and fighting him, he never spoke to them. If not because they fought every now and then, this man would not even look at them.

"You should obediently follow us, or you will be just like your dearest friends." Zhang Qiling finally looked at the woman, his sharp eyes following her movement dangerously. The mention of his friends by this woman caused him to be filled with a bad premonition, which made him frown.

"Oh, right. You don't know." The woman laughed after seeing his face. "Poor you." She taunted.

Zhang Qiling remained silent, and the woman became bored after looking at him. She turned around to her subordinate, that's why she did not notice him looking somewhere behind them briefly as his eyes narrowed into slits, feeling a dangerous presence looking at them.

She signals the tall man behind her then pointed at him. "Take him back." Without waiting for a response, the woman left the clearing and walk towards the edge, waiting while only he and the men in black were left. The men gave him a dull look and without a word, rushed towards him.

Zhang Qiling did not move from his position, which made the enemies smug. They thought that he was tired due to running all day so he can't even dodge anymore. The man leading the group took out a dagger and rushed with great speed toward him.

He just looked at him without changing his expression and moved at an unbelievable speed when the dagger was a few centimeters away from his face. He moved behind the man's back and held his head, twisting it with ease. The sound of bones twisting caused the other men to stop in their movements. They looked at their lifeless member falling to the ground before slowly looking up at the one who caused it. Zhang Qiling was looking somewhere else, so he did not see the fear on their faces. The timid ones out of the group slowly moved backward, seeing as he was not paying any attention, while the others watched him like a hawk, with a determination to fight with him.

The woman in the distance looked at what was happening with confusion and impatience. She noticed that their target doesn't seem to pay attention to them from the start but kept on looking in a certain direction.

Although suspicious, she stops paying attention in front and starts taking out her communicator device. But when she was about to turn it on as she looked around and all of a sudden, a loud piercing roar filled the surroundings.

The men in black looked at the source with fear, finding the sound coming from behind a big black boulder. They tense as they waited in silence.

After a moment of waiting, a white paw as big as two males' hands showed itself, followed by its big body of white and black stripes. The men felt fear as golden eyes looked at them in the dark and slowly slid themselves away from the boulder, showing themselves to the crowd. A robust, healthy, and certainly angry white tiger.

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