Fake (1)

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Chapter 46: Fake (1)

When the people led by Hei Yanjing arrived, the place was silent and no sound could be heard in the surrounding area. It's as if no one was here a while ago, and they would have thought what they heard and saw was just an illusion if not for the bodies currently scattered on the ground.

"Those people must have left already." Wang Meng said as he looked around the area, and found no one standing in their surroundings before turning to ask the others. "Are they afraid of being seen by others?" No one answered as they also don't know. After all, they don't even know who those people are.

"Maybe those people are a certain organization who moved in the dark and silently finished a bad organization?" Kan Jian holds his chin and takes a blind guess seeing as no one speaks.

"Specialized in dealing with harmful organizations? It's not impossible. The world is large and there are many people, there could be different organizations dealing in the dark that common people don't know about." Xie Yuchen turned to look at Hei Yanjing, who said so with a smile on his face. He narrowed his eyes as he felt that there is a double meaning in what he said. It seems like he has to talk with him alone to make him confess. He turned around and pointed their objectives to the others as they were wasting their time in chattering.

"Enough with this. Our priority is to find Pangzi." The others remembered their task and turned serious. It might seem that those people fighting left but maybe someone is still left in the area.

"Okay, let's hurry up to his location." Hei Yanjing led the group to enter the warehouse, and walk in front of the group to control things if someone attacked as they entered.

The group entered and followed the drone to the direction of Pangzi with the help of Xing Yao, effectively preventing them from going around in circles that would take more time. They remained vigilant and arrived at the hallway where the storage room was and rushed towards the last door. Hei Yanjing twisted the knob and opened the door. As they entered, they sigh in relief at seeing Pangzi was on the floor, exactly like how they saw on the screen.

Wu Xie would have rushed towards Pangzi if not because of Hei Yanjing stretching his arms in front of him, preventing the others from moving forward. He looked at Hei Yanjing and saw him looking somewhere with a rare serious expression on his face, causing him to be startled. Looking at the place he was staring, it was at the corner where wooden boxes were placed, and a person was leaning down on his lap, preventing others from seeing his face.

"Xiaoge?" Wu Xie gasped in surprise when the man raised his head, revealing a familiar face. He tried to walk over to him, and this time Hei Yanjing didn't stop him. Looking at the face he missed so much, he hugged the man tightly, closing the distance between them. He doesn't know how many times this face appeared in his dreams or whenever he closed his eyes, as no words can describe his feelings.

The tightly hugged person held the smaller person in his embrace, not seeing the frowning expression on Wu Xie's face.


Fifth didn't completely leave the location and only hid at a distance. Standing on a rooftop with enough distance so he wouldn't be detected, he observed the warehouse and saw the group enter the property for a few minutes.

"Fifth Brother." Someone appeared behind him and Fifth knew who it was based on the familiar voice. He didn't face the newcomer and continued with his observation.

"Eight, why are you here?" Eight didn't answer as he saw what his Fifth brother was looking at before he came here. He took a closer look with his eyes narrowed and blink at what he was seeing.

"Eh? Isn't that?..." He saw a familiar group led by Hei Yanjing to leave the warehouse and noticed the man named Wu Xie being carried by a familiar looking man. His eyes widened in disbelief and wiped his eyes with both eyes and saw the same before pointing at them with his eyes looking over at his brother.

"How can he be here? Isn't he at the... at the---" He said in shock and wasn't able to finish his sentence.

"He is not Zhang Qiling." A voice sounded behind the two of them, and a familiar newcomer entered the duo's sight.

"Second brother, you are here." Fifth smiled at seeing the two while Eight remained buffering at the sight. Second stopped beside Fifth and looked at where Eight was pointing at, remaining silent as they observed the group. Eight noticed that they wouldn't answer so he walked over and pulled his second brother's sleeve.

"Wait, brothers. Then he's an impostor! How can you let him leave with them?" Eight has a frown on his face because of his unanswered question. He doesn't understand why they can still remain calm after seeing the impostor amidst the group.

"This is our master's order." Second calmly said and only then did Eight understand. After all, with their master's protectiveness over this group, surely she wouldn't do this without any consideration, right?

"Then... the master wants to proceed with the plan?" Fifth asked his second brother curiously. Most of the orders are passed onto him, so he most likely knew what their master meant.

"It seems so." The trio was silent before Fifth began to speak again. This time, his voice was laced with worry.

"How is her condition?" Second frown at the mention of her. His lips formed a thin line with his eyes narrowing in anger before he suppressed his emotions.

"It was her illness acting up again. Fourth remained at her side to watch over her condition." He said. Eight clenched his jaw and punched the air to vent his anger.

"It's because of those bastards! I will destroy them if I meet them later." Fifth patted Eight on the shoulder to calm the younger kid down.

"Don't be so violent. Just tie them up and send them to Third. I'll make sure they suffer." Eight gave his Fifth brother a thumbs up after he said it. Fifth is right. Not only would it please Third, they would also feel satisfied and rest assured if their third brother did the work, after all, who in their circle didn't know Third's method? Those people will definitely suffer.

"Don't mess around in public." Second interrupted them. "Now fix the mess or someone might report it." With that, he left the duo and disappeared in place. The duo looked at each other in surprise at their Second brother's hidden meaning.

"So, it's okay if we act in the dark?" Eight's eyes gleamed in a mischievous glint, as he looked at Fifth with suppressed excitement. Fifth gave him a nod, smiling faintly while also showing a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"I think he's angry enough to give us that meaning." The duo smiled at each other before snapping out of their happy bubble. They walked away from the edge of the rooftop while still talking with each other.

"That's great then. My hands have been itchy for a long time anyways." Fifth shake his head at the younger brother beside him and patted his head.

"Okay, go back. Or the others will suspect you." Eight swatted the hand on his hair but didn't leave immediately.

"Don't worry. Someone will help me in the group anyways." Although he said that, he walked fast to leave the building and waved his hand to Fifth after they arrived near his destination. "See you later." Fifth waved back and watched as his brother walked away, and only left when he could no longer see him. Leaving toward the warehouse to clean up the mess, again.

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