Chapter 14: Rest and Relaxation

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Rising over the horizon, the sun greeted the city of Vale with its warm rays of sunlight, waking some of the city's residence. As the sun began its rounds, another Vale citizen was already awake before the sun began showing its bright from. 

This citizen was an older woman approximately 35 years of age, with no grey hairs showing their ugly heads in her long, red hair. She completed her morning routine, brushing her teeth, showering, getting dressed, and watering her plants before she grabbed her keys and purse as she headed out the door of her home. 

As she walked outside, she was greeted by the warm rays of the sun shining onto her face. "Another warm summer day in Vale, I wish this weather was permanent." She thought to herself as she unlocked her car and hopped into the driver's seat. S

he then pushed the start button, revving the engine ready for action, and she reversed out of her driveway and into the street. She drove along the streets as she did every morning greeting her various early bird neighbors as she made her way to work. The woman noted the quickness of the drive and checked the time as she pulled into the parking lot of her building.

The building that she parked in the parking lot of was a very classic, modern design that was seen all over the various shops in the commercial district in Vale. 

The building's front had large panned, clear glass windows that showed clear displays of the various items inside of the shop. It was a two-story building with the second story being used mainly for extra storage of the various products, but also as a main office where this woman usually did most of her work.

As she got out of her vehicle, another person rounded the corner on a bicycle. They peddled their bike into one of the racks and locked the bike in place. The older woman greeted the biker with a smile, "Good morning, Rouge. How are you feeling on this fine morning?"

The biker girl, identified as Rouge, waved back at the older lady and responded with a smile, "Good morning, Boss Woman! I'm doing great this morning! How about you?"

The Boss lady shook her head slightly, "I'm doing fine, but I thought I told you to stop calling me that. Miss Scarlet or just Scarlet is fine."

"Understood Boss Scarlet!" Rouge replied to her Bosses request with excitement. Scarlet on the other hand exhaled in slight exasperation as she chose to simply give up on the topic. The two-woman walked to the back entrance of the building and Scarlet unlocked the door, allowing them both to enter the store. 

As they entered the building, Scarlet and Rogue immediately got to work doing all the things necessary to open the store. The Boss Woman walked up to the second floor of her building and entered her office. As the woman walked inside, she hung her purse and coat on the rack that was by the side of her large oak desk. She moved behind said desk and sat down on her red chair, simultaneously turning on her computer, prepared to get back to work.

As she quickly typed in the password to her PC, she opened her various documents that she needed to fill out, emails she needed to reply to, and product orders she had to complete. It was a ton of work trying to run this business and it brought a lot of stress to her, but at the same time it has been the most fulfilling thing that Scarlet has ever done in her life. She treats her shop like her child, and she is extremely proud of what she has been able to accomplish since its first opening a decade and a half ago. 

Her store was called, 'From Diamonds to Dust' and it was becoming one of the more popular Dust shops in the commercial district. She sold various Dust products, including jewelry, raw crystals, powdered refillable canisters, the whole nine yards. Her popularity has been skyrocketing and the store has been booming in sales as well. 

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