Chapter 25: Spiders

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(Y/N) eyes slowly fluttered open as he awoke from his much-needed slumber. Upon waking, he took notice of the soft thighs that was beneath his head, and the warm hands of the women that gently stroked him. He took a moment to finish gathering his awareness and came to the quick conclusion that he was still in the same room, and same spot, as when he originally fell asleep. 

After the quick acknowledgement, he turned over to face upwards, looking directly at the busty woman who managed to caress him to sleep. As she noticed him turning, she looked back down at his restful face and gave him a warm smile. "Oh my, look who decided to finally wake up" she said sarcastically at first. "I'm just joking, good morning my love. How was your sleep?"

(Y/N) finished gathering the awareness he needed to answer the women's question, "that was the best sleep I've had in... ever, I think. Thank you so much Glynda!" The woman couldn't help but smile at his enthusiastic gratitude.

"You're welcome my love; however, I was just doing what I thought best for your health. I would do anything if it meant keeping you safe." As she spoke, she planted a quick chaste kiss on her love's nose.

The two of them chuckled at her showing of affection, enamored by each other's forms. "How long have I been out? I feel like I slept for like three days or something."

"Your guess isn't that far off. It has been 2 days and 16rhs since you originally fell asleep."

"What!?!?!" He immediately jumped up from the woman's lap, eyes wide in shock. "Holy shit I gotta go!"

Glynda suddenly began laughing, holding her hand to her mouth to chuckle her uncontrollable laughter. After a moment of hysterics, she managed to get herself in control enough to talk. "My love please, relax. I was just messing with you; it's been about an hour."

"Oh, either way I gotta go. I can feel the girls shifting around. They're probably going to wake up soon. I would love to stay and sleep in your lap pillow, but there are some things I gotta attend to."

"I figured you would." After her somber message, she moved closer to her future student, gripping his head in her hands. "Remember, if you ever work yourself too hard and are in need of sleep, I will find you, and I will force you to sleep. Of course, you are welcome to come willingly as well. Either way, I will keep you healthy." After she finished speaking, she slowly closed the distance between the two of them and allowed her soft pink lips to connect with his. 

The chaste kiss lasted for a moment before she slowly backed away from the young man. "That was just a parting gift." She quickly adjusted her glasses and turned away from the young man. "Now take your pet and leave my classroom, I can't have you wasting the rest of my day. I have important matters to attend to."

"Thanks again Glynda!' (Y/N) said as he scooped up Byakko from the desk. "I'll be seeing you again soon!" The young man quickly leaped from the center arena and exited the large learning center. Glynda could only smile at his retreating form as she savored the taste of his lips.

As he exited the room, he quickly began retracing his steps to find his way back to his room. His thoughts were scrambling to create clarity from what he had learned. "So, Glynda and Ozpin knew about me because I kicked a crater into the wall in our private training room. And Ozpin originally thought I was a threat because of it, and then I made myself seem more like a threat because I called him Ozma on accident. Damn.

After reflecting on his blunder, he became even more thankful Glynda for meeting up with him to let him know. "Glynda's fucking amazing! But she is still such a mysterious woman. She was somehow able to tail me and take Byakko without showing up on the System map. And on top of that, she put me to sleep! How the fuck did she do all that."

The Awakened One, Book 1: RemnantWhere stories live. Discover now