(A/N): XI

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I'm going to be completely honest, I have no idea what to write in this little note. However, I said I'd do one every three chapters and I'm pretty sure its been three chapters, so here I am! For starters, thank you all for reading! I'm slowly getting back on the grind, getting these chapters written and what not, but I can't lie, I am getting super, duper excited to read what I've written so far. It was my original goal to write a story that I'd be happy to read and I really wanna read what I have right now, but I promised myself that I'd wait until the year starts on the 10th of Heat lol. Do you guys like the addition of the calendar system? Please let me know, cause I was just getting tired of keeping track of days in my head and keeping everything so vague, and having it laid out in detail makes life so much easier. I gave the months custom names because in my research I found that Rwby never really had a month system thing, but it was assumed to work like ours, and calling them the same months would've been to easy.

Another thing that I wanted to know, since I don't proof read, is how many errors and mistakes, whether they be grammatical, spelling, mistypes, or anything of that nature, that you see in my writing? I'm just curious to know how unreadable my writing can be sometimes so I don't cringe to hard when I read this later next month. Also, how are you enjoying the story? So far, if you can, I'd like to see what you'd rate the story out of 10! 1 being super trash, godawful, unreadable fic, and 10 being godlike, best shit I've ever read in my life. Please be as honest as possible, and if you can specify what you like the most then that'd be great too, but if not that's fine as well!

Lastly, should I make an official list of all the Anime that I plan on including so far? I didn't at first, but now that we're getting deeper into the shit I feel like I should. Also, I'd be using this list to let you all vote on which world you go to next, but it'd be from a selection of like 5 Anime that I'd narrow down. Those five would be the short little quickie worlds where you go to fuck shit up, get some special power, and then dip out with bands and broads, ya feel me. 

Thank you so much again for reading, and not skipping the Authors Note, I appreciate you the most! I love you, and I'll see you next time!

P.S. Yall can still hit me with some story ideas and what not, that'd be pretty dope. 


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