Part One The Beta World Line Prologue

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Year 2099 Planet Z

Deep inside Planet Z, atop the most secretive inner council's evacuation chamber, stood a wide variety of beings, all alien in origin yet demonic in Nature. The evacuation chamber held within its countless technological devices that all emitted bluish fluid that resembled glow-in-the-dark, nitrous oxide colored, purple neon lit, containers.

The room was broad, it held an enigma, it held stalactites and stalagmites, alien-like bats that were of remembrance to the dark knight of Gotham City. Most of all it held the beacon of light, a demonic symbol that was alien in origin. This runic thematic symbol was one of many. Together they spelled out in the alien tongue, which belonged to the main races living on Planet Z, the common quote from Dante's Inferno. "Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here."

Surrounding the room, which was more of a bunker for an all-out apocalypse, were enigmatic alien maggots living of monstrous beast entrails that lay in fluid tanks. Science-minded workers were studying them immensely as proxy subjects for quantum teleportation test subjects. Neon yellow piping surrounded the fluid in a cooling chamber, ready for the very same quantum teleportation device to be turned on.

The Quantum Teleportation device deep within the underbelly of the evacuation chamber was awaiting its call, the boom of darkness, the crash of light, the will of shadow, the echo of time. These four things were what harmonized the ever flute playing soliloquy of death that played on and on throughout the evacuation chamber's dimly lit void of depravity. Death opened its doors, beckoning those to come within the marbled chambers of sorrow. Deep within its cavernous maw stood a single being in front of another. The rest of the beings stood across the circular room that wasn't perfect, it was more of an oblate spheroid, with some semblance to the shape of Planet Earth.

It was the doctrine of the planet to make evacuation chambers have some comparative works that looked like the planets of exile themselves. The evacuation chambermaids were those that conspired in secrecy with the bottom of the barrel planets that the mutineers were sentenced to live in exile. They did this for power absolute for they were the superwomen, beings who traded youth and children for strength of the gods and eternal life. They were forever old, immortal spinsters, in servitude to their dark overlord, Kaminaze the ruler of Planet Z.

For the day of reckoning was upon the accused, the accuser shall make them damned to the pits of hell, the life among the weak, the strong singular weakened by the basked glory of the many weak. The weak shall overpower the strong as the new world order shall overtake the old one.

These individuals standing in a pyramid schemed shape were a highly advanced alien demon race known as the Zolkgathions, beings comprised of a unity of both magic and science. Their powers stemmed from the superior physiology that they possess, the special mist organ inside them, and the power, the magic essence known as Zyntho Energy, contained within the organ as its vessel, laid to rest within. Many stood before the accuser to lay reckoning to the accused.

"Samarkvan "Sam" Draghul Razghul Noxus Leopold Fitzgerald Kazenobu Junior, for your lack of mist energy you must now go to Earth, the planet for losers and home to the destitute, depraved, and dissolute, in exile" exclaimed Kaminaze the great ruler of Planet Z and brother to the very one man to be exiled.

Although they were alien, they had culture and race, many looked dark and ebony, many looked pale, many looked bronze, many looked blue, and many looked red. Kaminaze and Sam were both ebony in nature with hints of blue and red from intermarriage between cultures. The skin was marbled with veins of red and blue crisscrossed all over like veins embedded into the body like painful scars. They were known as the Neo-Arfikaanns, or the African Aliens from way up high.

"You cannot do this, just give me more time, I will recover my mist energy" Sam Junior Beta shouted belligerently. How can he do this, just because I worked too hard fighting in the arena against tough opponents doesn't mean my mist organ, the organ that all of us Demons have, is permanently damaged. Although I can feel that its ruptured within my body there is a very high chance that I can heal my mist organ.

"Such insolence, guards take him away and prepare the transporter" Kaminaze waived his hand behind me and several guards dressed in their usual garb of a pleated leather vest with a cloth jerkin, cotton pants and leather sandals, came towards the infamous Sam Junior Beta.

The only weapons and powers that the guards or anyone else would ever need were tucked away in their power gems on their gloves. These gloves were linked with the mist organ and showed how much mist energy one had through Stamina Points or SP for short. The gems on their left hand were for energy-based attacks or any kind of element of power the user could think of such as fire, water, air, earth, darkness, light, ice, gravity, spatial distortion, time, electricity, metamorphosis, acid, poison, smoke, or creation. The right gloves gems were used for weapons or special mist infused items such as a sword, axe, whip, ball and chain, elastic wire, chains, a hammer, or even miniature projectile weapons such as guns or cannons or bows that are used with ammo made from energy.

The guards grouped around Sam Beta and led him towards the transporter. The transporter was connected to a whole array of computers and other electrical equipment. A few computer technicians stood nearby awaiting orders. The technicians saw the guards and immediately began prepping the transporter to its coordinates, to that of planet Earth.

Sam Beta walked inside the open door of the transporter. In my current condition it would be useless to fight back without any mist energy to harvest from the air, my ruptured mist organ prevented any of that. The stamina energy I had in reserve separate from my depleted mist energy reserves would not nearly be enough for a retaliation.

I awaited transportation with such anxiety and hopelessness, never have I felt so weak before. The countdown for transportation arrived as I was in my reverie. In moments I was in a grassy field overlooking what appeared to be a research facility.

I walked towards the research facility in earnest, perhaps those in there can help me with my plight. As I approached the facility, I could sense something ominous, an evil presence of some sort.

Sam walked towards the door and it opened for him automatically. Inside there was a female receptionist.

"Hello Sam, exiled demon from Planet Z, I have just received information regarding your arrival, please sit at the waiting area" The receptionist said as she pointed to a bunch of chairs. She then pressed a button and then the world shifted sideways.
Sam felt his entire being shift backwards in time to another past, yet present, timeline, to a most fateful day, his alternative future son, Samarkvan "Mark Alphabet" Draghul Razghul Noxus Leopold Fitzgerald Kazenobu The Third Alphabet's birthday. None the wiser, Sam decided to let fate take its course, to encounter his future son and see what unfolds. To the Alphabet Timeline we go, down the rabbit hole, to topsy turvy land my dear friends.

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