Chapter 18 Mark and Enaz have a bird-brained training adventure

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2115Day two on Planet Holio-Knightus

I had a weird dream consisting of wanting something I could not reach; a blisteringly fierce coldness overtook me. I then felt a blasting and overbearing warmth. I felt, after this, the need for compassion and togetherness.

I jerked awake. My mind was racing, and my heart was beating quickly. Groaning, I lifted myself out of bed and stretched my aching body. Why did I have to sleep at such an awkward angle last night? My stomach growled. Taking my attention off my stiff body, I realized how hungry I was. My throat was parched, and it was painful to breath. Slipping my feet into my slippers, I made my way down to the kitchen. Zleyena was humming softly to herself. Enaz was already there waiting for me. Hearing me enter the kitchen, she turned to face me.

"I made you a special breakfast today just like I did for Enaz my Munchy-Wunchy-Kins." Zleyena cheerily said. Too tired to say anything about the use of that terrible nickname I sat down on a chair.

"What kind of food" I said with a big yawn.

"Ragger Tongue and Hydrotamus," She replied while putting the platter of food down on the table right next to me with a cup of something that resembled fruit-juice.

"Thanks." I sat at the table and drained the glass of water in seconds. Relief washed through me as the cool refreshing juice gushed down my throat. It took a good five minutes to rip through the Hydrotamus skin before finally reaching the meat, but the taste was well worth it. The anticipation for the training for Enaz before we would go to his test date at his school bothered me. We had two days to train, including today. I had excitement for my second day here. And I was ready to experience Enaz's school. The last bits of Ragger tongue seemed to be eaten by me for all eternity. Unable to stay seated any longer, I jumped up.

"Here is a water skin for you, I gave one to Enaz as well" Zleyena said as she smiled at me. I grabbed the water skin and raced out of the house with Enaz in tow but not before Enaz said bye to his mom and to his dad who was hiding in the corner and was reading news on his interstellar communications device.

I started out with a fast-paced jog. I inhaled the cool morning air. The humidity was still very high. I felt moisture from the airs cling to my skin as I jogged. Enaz kept up with me. I didn't feel the need to use my lightning aura to run fast which is why Enaz could match my pace.

As I jogged, I thought that it was one of those dreary days that made you want to relax on your bed and have a cool glass of freshly squeezed orange-juice. I would look through my window and watch the clouds drift through the sky.

We then arrived to Enaz's school because of the easy map feature on my interstellar communications device on my Chimeratrix.

Enaz then told me that the school was a five-story building with many rooms. Inside the building there were many classrooms specific for each class. To enter one must be in that class. If Enaz became an animalist like he wanted, he would then be able to enter the animalist classroom.

"I'll do whatever I can to be in the class, if I don't make it in, I'll try to learn the skills of that class and the one I get into. As I said before, people don't usually do this because it's really hard to be in one class while at the same time have the skills and tools from other classes." Enaz said to me.

We then reached the building where I saw a few kids there about to enter who were talking to each other. "These guys are all around my age since the day you turn fifteen is the day you pick your class." Enaz stated.

We both quietly walked over so they won't notice so that we could hear what they were saying.

"Hey Aras, what class are you picking" a random inconspicuous boy said to a girl. She looked stunning with her strawberry blond hair, cute dimples, and with freckles on her nose.

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