Chapter Twelve The True Value of One's Seven Deadly Natures

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Ninjago Lego TV Show HomageThe hands over time 

Mark Evans Zeta

After hearing this news about Mark Prime's false and stupid origin story, curdled black electrical energy began to surge out from Mark Zeta's left hand just beyond the tips of the fingerless glove he was wearing and then covered his body before he had time to think about what was happening. As a prompt reaction to the pulsating miasma of evil electrical energy coming from his hand, he started to undergo his own version of a Gozaxean transformation in quite a different method than before.

The Den belonging to Zarrock was large enough to prevent any harm from being done from Mark's transformation to an electrical elemental humanoid. Originally, Mark Evans Prime had undergone a Gozaxean transformation through stress. This time it was different, it was through pure relentless hatred and anger. Mark Zeta found out how to manipulate his emotional wavelength to trick his current form into thinking he had these feelings. With his current level of skill, he could do many things Mark Prime couldn't, due to his extreme mastery of all Mark Prime's future abilities.

Mark Zeta became one-hundred feet tall while in this form. He had six arms made from blackened smog-like elemental electrical energy with a broadsword held in each hand. Mark's knuckles had spikes of jagged electrical energy protruding from them which shot out bursts of electrical energy. After this happened, Mark grew two thick arm-like-tails of his own. Upon each tail-end where the tips of them should be, a broadsword was connected.

"Well, congratulations on showing off the third stage of Super Gozaxean Transformations," Rose Prime said with disgust for Mark Zeta showing off. She had no idea who he was, what he looked like as a dark shroud covered his existence yet only let his voice through. She didn't know where he came from and any way, she tried figuring it out was stopped with migraines and frequent nosebleeds "I'm sure that you very well know that these transformations take account of your Eonoe abilities and are called Gozaxean Eonoe Transformations. My third form took me two years to develop, but you apparently have an easy mastery over them."

Rose Zeta smiled in complete mockery towards Rose Prime for she could see Mark Zeta's true form which was hidden only to Rose Prime and Zarrock. She flew into the air and encased herself in her own electrical elemental energy. She went through Mark Zeta's elemental electrical exoskeleton humanoid unharmed and gave him a nice hi-five. Mark's electrical elemental humanoid then regressed and got smaller and smaller till he was back to his previous state before his Gozaxean Transformation occurred.

Life with powers when everyone has them doesn't make you super, Mark Zeta thought to himself. The version of Mark Evans, known as Mark Evans Prime, would ordinarily take actions even without having his powers and strength. He would go beyond his comfort zone to help others. But Mark Evans Zeta was different; he would embrace the inequality in power levels between a low level super and a high level super and destroy the gap between them. He would give himself all the power while weaklings got the scraps belonging to losers. He went to Rose and, in a Machiavellian stance, leaned in for a fist-bump. Rose unceremoniously and stupidly, with total obliviousness, accepted the fist-bump with her own hand. Bluish-green electrical energy began to coalesce on her fist.

Mark Evans Zeta felt his own fist tingle in tandem in addition to this and he concentrated on the received energy. Mark Evans Zeta then easily managed to replicate the effect on his own fist, black electrical energy formed around it in a wraith-like embrace. He joined in on the bumping of fists along with Rose Zeta.

The fist-bump lasted for several minutes and both versions of Mark 's and Rose's hair started to float with the electrical energy displacement. I hope this feeling will never end; it feels so good. Mark Prime thought to himself.

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