Chapter 7 Forest Training 101 Holio-Knightus time 11:15 A.M

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I crash landed into what appeared to be a large tree.

In the tree on a slightly lower branch I saw a humanoid creature with six arms, two legs, fur on its chest, had a pair of what appeared to be metal pants, had two eyes that were very angular, holes where its nose should be, and a very large mouth with sharp teeth that constantly dripped what seemed to be a purple substance.

"Hey, you Dromani, mind moving away from the sun, your blocking my view of the clouds. They turn into funny shapes this time of day" the humanoid creature said.

"Hey, you're talking to me" I asked

"Well there aren't any other Dromani here are they" Scoffed the humanoid creature.

"But I'm not a Dromani, I'm half Demon and I'm here for some training. You look like you know the way around here. Can you show me a good place to train? You can also maybe show me someplace where there's a huge animal I can fight" I said.

"I can show you if you can catch me, this forest and its trees and foliage is really hard to navigate. If you can navigate the forest, then you can survive in the forest. Consider me your forest trainer" The humanoid creature lifted itself up from the tree branch "My name is Draghul and I'm a male spider, what's your name" Draghul took out one of his right arms to shake my hand.

"Wow a real-life spider man, I so didn't see this coming, can I have your autograph" I said, I took out a notebook and pen from my pocket. "Just write "your friendly neighborhood spider man" and then write underneath it Draghul"

"Um ok, but only after you catch me" Draghul grabbed the pen and paper with two of his lower hands and started to jump from branch to branch and even shooting out some webs for more reach.

"Hey wait for me" I said. I concentrated and let my red aura of electricity come over me. If I was going to catch him then I would need to be fast.

I immediately started to hop across to another branch but didn't make the jump. I started to fall fast. Luckily, I landed on yet another branch and managed to grab hold.

I lifted myself up and made a running start and jumped as high as I could to another branch but fell yet again onto another branch. Forget this If I'm just going to keep falling I might as well chase Draghul on the ground.

I raced down the tree and landed on the ground. I started to run as fast as I could. I tried to see if I could find where Draghul went.

I ran for what seemed like hours but was really minutes and then I finally spotted Draghul. He was sitting lazily on a web of what looked like thin strips of metal all the way up in one of the trees.

I decided to surprise him and went around the trees and climbed fast to the top of Draghul's web.

I crept up behind Draghul and was careful to not tread on his sticky spider web. I turned off my lightning aura so as not electrocute him and then I jumped on top of him. "Got you Draghul, now will you sign my autograph as well as show me around and help me find training spots"

"Aaaaaaahhhhhh a monster, get it off me, Draghul tried to shake me off, I then dropped into the spider-web.

"Oh, it's just you, what's your name exactly, I never got it" Draghul looked at me plainly.

"Well my name is Mark, and can you help me get out of this web" I felt pinned to the web with no hope of getting off.

"Not to worry my venom can melt through the web, just don't get any on yourself, it's very acidic to everyone but us spiders".

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