Chapter 4 I'm Brad to The Bone Wednesday January first, 2110 - 3:15 P.M

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As Amy and I were walking back from school I noticed someone trailing us out of the corner of my eye. I didn't want to let him know that I saw him, but he sucked at hiding. He was hiding behind a stop sign a few feet away from us and was reading a newspaper upside down on a patch of grass covered in what looked like bird poop. There were also some birds flapping towards him and they did their business on him constantly. He was a bird poop magnet.

Amy Ignored him but I couldn't stand him just standing there anymore; I turned around "Hey uh you going to tell me why you're following us, you better get that poop off you, it's disgusting.

A robotic voice answered "Initiating self-cleaning program five: operation poop removal" there was a hum and three objects came out of the man. I saw clearly that they were three robotic hands, one had a pooper scooper, one had a cleaning solution, and one had wipes. They began to work and in seconds the poop was off the man and in a circle around him. "Initiate friendly conversation Brad, Mark will suspect you are tailing him for a top-secret reason, do not tell him you are his new bodyguard that his Dad Dramidar was talking to about infiltrating Headmaster Wonderweisz's school. Don't even mention your motive for revenge after being subjected to cruel and harsh experiments the Headmaster made you endure.

"Argh shut up you stupid A.I" the man said in a human voice this time. His face was in a scowl, he started to hit himself. The man then froze and turned to me and gave a big smile "Oh hah sorry my name is Bradley Hensworth and like my stupid computer, named Fred, which is in my body and thinks on its own because it's an Artificial Intelligence, or A.I for short, says I'm your bodyguard. To put it simply like my A.I says I'm here for revenge. But first we need to get to your house. I'll explain everything there."

This guy Brad is such a wacko. He keeps rambling with long sentences and has weird hands coming from who knows where, and a robotic voice that sounds like R-2-D-2 from Star Wars.

"Fine just follow us Brad, and no more information about this whole Headmaster Wonderweisz guy. My head is still reeling from information that our Dad told us" Amy said finally. It appeared that Brad sparked her interest. He looked to be in around his late teens. "How old are you by the way, I'm thirteen and Mark is ten" Amy said with her eyes fluttering ever so softly.

"Huh well I'm eighteen today miss Amy if that's what you're asking" Brad said blushing. "I still have more information regarding Headmaster Wonderweisz, it's really important. You'll understand everything soon I promise."

"Wow, so you have the same birthday as me that's so cool, Happy-Birthday" I said in awe. "Amy's Birthday is Midnight September first which makes her exactly three years and four months older than me."

"Mark, you didn't have to tell him all that, don't be so precise you know-it-all" Amy stomped her foot to the ground with such force that the sidewalk got a little cracked and indented"

"Hey, we can't use our full strength remember, no one is supposed to know how strong we are Amy" I said, I had a worried expression on my face and felt a little anxious about what just happened.

"Don't worry, I'm s cyborg so I have powers too" Brad said. His palm split open and revealed a small hole. He aimed his hand palm outward and a blast of blue energy shot out and burnt a tree to cinders in mere seconds.

"Wow that was awesome do it again' I said excitedly. Now there is someone else I don't have to hide my true strength in front of.

"Don't encourage him Mark, we don't need Brad to destroy the whole town where we live" Amy shoved me a bit

"How about just a smidge more, please can you" I looked at Brad with excitement.

"Well I think we should listen to your sister Amy; I really don't want to destroy stuff I don't have to even though I fail at everything pacifistic"

"Aw man" My hopes and dreams of seeing a real-life destruction in progress were crushed.

"How about when we fight monsters when your older, especially those Dread Demons, they can get a little nasty" Brad gave me the thumbs up sign

"Wow, fighting monsters for real, that sounds awesome" My hopes and dreams of real-life destruction were immediately revitalized. "Let's go home then so you can tell us more about this Headmaster guy, we already know some information about him already. Our Dad told us about him early this morning."

"That's great, I'll just fill in the gaps along the way to your house" Brad said. "After you I insist mademoiselle" Brad did a little curtsy to Amy. She blushed a little. I could see that Amy thought he was attractive. Brad certainly knew his way around a woman's heart. Off we went to our house with Brad trailing behind Amy.

Brad started talking about humans that have stamina points and gloves which should be impossible. However, the reason that they have them is because Headmaster Wonderweisz did surgery to his students and gave them mist organs to lead an attack on the demon planet and achieve dominance over the Demon race for being too arrogant. The reason for that being is that they exiled many demons who then sired half human half demon children while also regenerating their mist organs. This is because the demons don't allow anyone to train hard unless they are of the elite royalty of the demons. Headmaster Wonderweisz also used a hadron collider to make a wormhole to a far-away planet to that of the holy demons known as the Dromani, creatures long thought to be extinct. These creatures possessed powers unlike any other such as time manipulation and reality bending: shaping the local area as they pleased. The Organs of the Dromani organ differs from that of Demons. It is a spirit organ and it activates once enough training is done as opposed to the mist organ which is activated already. The spirit organ gets its strength from that of the spirit realm where all the dead lie as opposed to the mist organ which gets its power from the special mist that is in the air on Planet Z. They are both similar in that they both stop working temporarily if you overwork them but then they get stronger thus. Headmaster Wonderweisz created the wormhole so he can take the Dromani as part of his science project to create the perfect beings like that of legends with organs that are both spirit and mist organs fused together. The process that would help him achieve this goal would be through the usage of Demons who were exiled on earth because of their ruptured mist organs and in conjunction with the Dromani and their spirit organ. Many Demons joined with Headmaster Wonderweisz and gladly allowed themselves to part of his experiments to become powerful creatures as prototype fusions of both Dromani and regular Demons. They would be known as Dread Demons, Demons who have given up their thoughts to become animalistic and monstrous creatures with an almost limitless supply of stamina, an artificial fusion of both mist energy and spirit energy known as the energy of times past known as essence energy. The cost of this would be being creatures with subpar intelligence and low healing rates that focused more on strength than speed." 

Demon Chronicles Book 1 The Parallel Frontier Of RealityOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant