Part Six Enter The Infamous Heroes Of Exile Interlude Draconian Origins

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"They're dead, everyone's dead, the newborn, he's killed them all, even his parents." A male Shadow Ravager panted as he screamed down the halls of the palace.

"So, what's the problem here, die now or forever hold your peace, I've got no time for games." The King, Xerxes the first, snarled as he lay in bed with his wife Amestris. "You have some nerve entering my bed chambers. Kill yourself for your impudence."

"But my lord, the infant has made his way here inside the palace, Darius Velazquez, your firstborn son, is facing them off now with his twin Amytis, your secondborn, your first daughter.

Xerxes growled as streams of fire burst through the room, his bed was in flames. His wife paid no mind. She was used to his spouts of aggression.

"Fine I'll go there and deal with him myself, but not before I deal with you" King Xerxes, an Elder Dragon and current ruler of this land, went to the messenger while still in the nude. King Xerxes grabbed the messenger, a teenage Elder Dragon, and wrung his neck.

The teen flopped to the ground lifeless like a wet noodle.

The King put on his night robe and rushed out of the room. He followed to where the noises were coming from.

There the infant Elder Dragon was covered in a dark aura drenched in blackened smog. He was blasting away quite indiscriminately with his well of insurmountable power.

Xerxes' daughter Amytis, the sixteen-year-old Elder Dragon Succubus that she was, voraciously went to the infant and breathed out towards the newborn an intoxicating, and tantalizing mixture of magic. The newborn calmed down and was highly overdosing in writhing glee from the magical mixture of smells.

"Ah my beautiful favorite child, my daughter Amytis, you've done well. What shall you do with the infant?" The King said with overwhelming awe. His own daughter has calmed the child while many others failed in their attempt and were killed as a result. His son Darius Velazquez, the stupid, uneventful, sour, sixteen-year-old son that he was, couldn't even hold a candle to her. He doesn't even deserve to be king if he can't even protect this palace.

"He shall be my future husband, father, I sense great power in him, a darkness within him can be nurtured. With his power, and great overwhelming magic, we can overthrow the Guild of Excelsior with his power in the future." Amytis said with a devious glint in her eyes.

She was smart, had pink scales all over her lithe, vibrant body that exemplified her mental acuity as a Succubus. Her snout had just the nicest tinge of red when in pleasure.

The King could see it now all over his daughter's innocent adulterous beauty that usually took over even the desires of humans while she was in her transformed human self. In this form she had freckles on the tips of her nose, strawberry blonde hair, and rosy red cheeks.

"As you wish, succulently sweet Amytis my dear. Now what shall we do with the loser that he is, poor, pathetic, and pompously prudent, Darius Velazquez. He has no right to bear the last name of the House of Vel." Xerxes looked at the golden form of his son, Darius Velazquez and his golden scales would have made him legendary. He was useless however as he did not want to fall into depravity like the rest of the family. The power given to Darius Velazquez would make him even more powerful. No matter, he will turn to our side eventually, he has no choice in the matter.

"Put him in infamous exile like the rest of the so-called-heroes, father. He shall lose the right to become the future king. I shall take his place along with my love, Steve Emanon, that shall be this child's name. The reason behind this is secret ha-ha-ha." Amytis grinned. Her nose flared, and puffs of pink smoke piped out. Many young suitors had fell to this very same trick. Amytis then manipulated them to suit her needs as were the ways befallen to her as a Succubus.

"Mm, this I like! Darius Velazquez is useless to me! He is the white sheep of the family! He's always so pure and mighty. Us as the blackened and corrupted sheep have no use for him." Xerxes gleefully smiled. He let out his darkened aura to brand Darius Velazquez on the chest with the mark of an outcast Elder Dragon.

Darius Velasquez, former son of Vel, was forever to be known as one in exile. He would become infamous as foretold by the ancient masquerading slovenly facsimile of the brash, nefarious, and dastardly nom de guerre. The anti-hero superlative legionnaires of apostles in his name only. He might think he could be an impostor, a demonetizing, disease driven, malignant hero. But, as the darkness overwhelms all, he cannot help but succumb to it. And then over four-hundred years passed, and the reign of the Shadow Ravagers began.

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