Chapter 20 End Of Part One

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Kindred Introductions and a Gozaxean Dromani to boot


2:15 P.M.

Planet Holio-Knightus final day

After the exam was given me and Enaz went back to Enaz's house. We waited for a while till we got our equipment for the class that we were in due to us passing the exam.

I received two daggers for close and far range combat. A special of armor, a shield, and a Spear-sword. The Spear-sword had a long blade at one end and a long-extended pole that came out from the hilt of the sword with a metal barb at the end. I can attack with both sides of the weapon. The spear can also be unhinged from the sword. I can then proceed to dual wield both the sword and the spear. There is also the fact that I can throw the spear and use it as a far ranged weapon. that functions as both.

Enaz got Nixe wings that were fashioned into gliding apparel, a slingshot, Lide ammo, a dagger, a flaming coat made from a Blazure that burns anything it meets, a Corcogro mask fashioned from the head of a Corcogro that can stun people, retractable bladed gloves from the hands of a Droarmeth and acrobatic jumping boots made from a Droarmeth's feet.

I heard a knock on Enaz's front door, so I went to check it out. Enaz heard it as well and followed me.

I opened the door and saw a teenager that was about my height and had the same body structure as me. He had red rimmed glasses and spiky blonde hair and wore a muscle shirt that said, "I'm the boss".

Next to this teenager was a girl that looked to be five-foot-eight. She had fair auburn hair and an athletic build. She looked like she was ready for war and was not dressed for beauty.

I saw another male teenager a little shorter than me and he had tan skin, piercing green eyes, red hair in the shape of a pompadour, and was wearing a red and white striped jacket loosely over his shoulders like a cape.

"Who are you three?" I said as I pointed at one of the two male teens that looked to be like me.

"I'm Mark from the Alpha timeline, yes that has a good ring to it.... Mark Alpha." Said the boy with the spiky blonde hair and muscle shirt.

"Me, hmm... guess you can call me Mark Beta, from the Beta timeline. Sound good to me, you dig?" said the man with the red-haired pompadour.

The third, the only girl began to speak. "I am an Eonoe, a being that exists from within the fourth dimension. You can call me Kah-Blamm. I exist to serve you three as a guide to the Zynthomancer Sphere. Now come so that I may grant you my powers, you will become like us, you will have access to all my powers as a fully-fledged Eonoe, with access to time manipulation abilities, quantum teleportation abilities, access to the fourth dimension's quantum energy as the source of all your powers, and the secondary powers that are primed for your use, the power of telepathy, energy sensing, and energy manipulation. You must only say my name so that my powers can be given to you. I am an Eonoe with access to the twelve locked worlds of negative infinity. I also am a Witch Hybrid with access to the powers of the eight rulers of negative infinity. One might say that I've given these powers to another, a being known as Mark Neo-Prime, an alternative future version that should be known for greatness. Due to all the superhero and supervillain tropes, he has as cliché as it sounds, became evil. I order you to join me, take my power and come to the prime timeline, but to the present of its past. Come to the version not tainted by my power, a version where he is still good, a version where I do not exist. For I have blocked myself access long ago after he threatened to kill my past baby self. He has done as he said and therefore, I am a time aberration. I only have a few moments left. So, say my name so that my power shall flow through you as was done to the hero in DC Comics, known as Billy Batson or by his other name, in the movie rendition as of 2019, SHAZAM."

With that the name was said. "Ya-Ya-Ya I am Brick The Pig Lard!"

End of Part One

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