It's Mark Evans Zeta's Turn Now Wednesday January First, 2110 - 7:45 A.M.

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Mark Evans Zeta

"Wake up Mark now, my dear sweetheart. It's your shared birthday with Amber, Charlie, and Jackson." Mark Zeta felt, amidst his restless sleep that arms were moving him. "Such a Drag so I shall ignore these hands until they get rough." Mark Zeta aimed his left hand at his would-be-assailant and blasted that person with a million jolts of electricity. He felt the energy pulsate through his hand and onto a very feminine feeling hand. It was hardened and callused but still very feminine as it belonged to the hand of the proud warrior race known as The Zolkgathions.

"Just a few more minutes... You little beautiful teenage romcom. It's only my tenth birthday. Wake me up again when I'm a hundred, then I'll really get out of bed" Mark Zeta could tell from common practice, that these hands, and voice, belonged to his step-sister, and current girlfriend, Amy Zeta. Outward affections of love were allowed in this house. A stipulation was in effect that there can only be affection displayed such as this, if Mark Zeta would marry his predetermined girlfriend. He would then, as a byproduct of human biology, create an army of child soldiers to fit the needs of his father's future legacy.

"Argh I can't wait ninety more years!!! By that time, I would be as old as mom, or worse, wait twenty-five additional years after that to be as old as dad. Let's forget about that and just focus on the present so that you can give me a kiss. And if you really want more than just a peck on the forehead, and slap on the butt, then you'd better get out of bed." Amy Zeta said as she let out a vivacious grin. She saw that Mark Zeta was lazily smiling at her. His eyes were opened a smidge, but it was enough for Amy's approval.

"Hey there beautiful, forget about that kiss and slap combo would you. So instead of that... be a good dear girlfriend and get me some OJ. I'm extremely parched, I have to go to the bathroom, and I need to shower." Mark Zeta said as he eventually slid in the upright position on his bed. Amy Zeta had once been hit on then almost raped by several burly older teenage, full blooded, African Americans with this very line when she was twelve last year. She put them in their place, they were no match for her as they were ordinary humans. Her half black status was liquid gold due to her light brown complexion and straight blonde hair, from her mother's side, which naturally never needed a weave.

"Don't give me that rubbish, we can forget about kissing and stuff, but you very well know that your orange juice, which I give you every morning since you were three years old as part of our undeniable love pact, is on your dresser already. Now move your butt and get it yourself, or do I have to make you get it! I'll tell mom to not get you a breakfast burrito from Taco Terry's for lunch, so you better bust your chops and climb out of your bed. Oh wait, I've changed my mind. Quickly come on, now give me a kiss before I change my mind a second time. Or else I'm going to spill your juice in the bathroom sink!" Amy Zeta gestured towards Mark Zeta.

"Alright-Alright I'll get It, it was just a birthday joke, I get one every year remember, I won the game that one time what was it... oh that's right, it was my birthday that had happened four years ago, when I turned six on this very day." Mark Zeta said and leaned towards his sister but made sure that he was still on his bed, he was lazy and cut corners so sue him. He gave his stepsister/girlfriend, Amy Zeta, a peck on the cheek, and rubbed her silky and fluffy blonde hair all over his face while hugging her for a long time.

"Yes, I remember, you used to be so stupid and annoying as a little two-year-old bratty toddler, but now you are my loving and beautiful handsome boyfriend. Just how you are so good at playing Zolkgathion Swordsmen versus Dromani Barbarians on the Gintendo Game Sphere 9001 I'll never know, now get out of bed for real this time or I'll start counting." Amy Zeta gently removed herself from Mark Zeta's grasp.

Mark Zeta immediately sprung out of bed, and flipped over Amy's head, before she could even hope to move her mouth. As she was about to position her lips to utter the word "one", Mark Zeta grabbed the glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and gulped it down. He put the glass down and wiped the orange droplets of pulp off his greasy face. He felt disgusted with himself. He needed to shower daily, three times a day, to remove the excess grease and oils that his prepubescent child self-secreted in copious amounts

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