Chapter 14 Underground Battle Royal Tuesday September Third, 2115 10:30 A.M.

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"Mark watch out" I vaguely heard Brads voice but all I could pay attention to be the huge robot coming right at me.

Time to beat the crud out of this scrap metal!

I rose out my right hand and visualized a red and black Long sword. A cloudy smoke vapor swirled around my right hand. A Long sword materialized from within the vapor.

Now I'm ready to slash this robot to ribbons. I took my left hand and clenched it into a fist. I willed my sparkling red electrical aura to come over me. I decided that I wouldn't need all my powers and wanted to conserve my zyn energy for the later field test. I looked at my left palm again and saw the number two thousand zyn to start flashing. This meant that one of my powers were activated and I would lose around seventeen points in one minute. I intended to finish the fight very quickly.

I held onto the long-sword with both hands and fully encased the long-sword in electricity. In the thrill of this the moment I'll just charge at the robot with everything I got.

I charged right at the robot at blinding speed.

The robot got in a stance and extended its right arm towards me. The arm moved towards me slow because of my super speed.

I slashed at the robot's right arm just as the arm started to charge a glowing purple energy.

A large surge of energy emanated from my sword and blasted the arm off.

The space where the robot's right arm used to be started to spark.

A loud fizzing noise came from the robot's right arm socket.

The robot ignored the noise and charged right at me with its remaining arm.

The robot came close and pulled back its left arm rapidly then jabbed right towards my abdomen.

I saw the attack coming at me with amazing clarity. Time almost stood still as I saw the robots arm come right at my stomach.

I took a quick step to the robot's right side at its blind spot.

I quickly cleaved at the waist of the robot's body.

The legs crumpled to the floor, the remaining arm skittered across the floor, and the head still attached to the torso started to smoke.

"Self-destruction initiated will terminate in t minus 5 seconds" The robot's head gave out a booming mechanical voice.

"Everyone go to cover now!" I shouted while quickly grabbing Amber's hand. She was just standing their motionless in shock after seeing me fight. Everyone else was dazed and confused but they managed to get their senses quickly.

We ran down the hallway away from the terminating robot to the main hallway. I was still holding onto Amber's hand and she was running while still in shock.

The hallway shuddered and we heard a large boom in the back of us. Then there was silence.

"What the heck was that thing" Charlie said to break the silence. "It was crazy how you beat that thing Mark. I've never seen someone beat an enemy quite like that with such ease. Where did those lightning flashes come from? Was that from your core energy gem or something?"

Everyone looked at me expectantly for an answer. All I could give was a shrug and a laugh.

"It is; I also have many other abilities not tied to energy gems or energy crystals. That robot was a piece of cake if you ask me." I replied.

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