The Flashpoint CW Channel's Infinite Crisis of Infinite Loops

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Mark Evans Zeta Vs. Mark Evans Prime

Both the evil and good versions of the clones fought amongst themselves. For every attack the evil clones inflicted, many of the good clones succumbed to death from exploding kamikaze attacks. The evil clones continued with this futility until they all succumbed to the kamikaze nature.

Many evil clones survived, and the progenitors didn't care about the death of their soldiers as they had plenty of Zyntho Energy stockpiled in reserve. They continued fighting until one Time Clone of Mark Evans Zeta, known as the Alpha Time clone, had a new approach.

This time clone was the Clone leader. He was created during the fight for dishonor, lies, and the way of infamy. He took out a device of some kind from his pocket. This was special as it allowed him full control over the tournament of infinite chaos. It was tied to his DNA but could only be used by one from the Zeta World Line in which Mark Evans Zeta was born. The Alpha Time Clone pressed a button on the device and waited for something interesting to happen. It would happen soon, and he had all the time in the world once the device did what it did. He started to hum the "Ben 10" Original Series Song. The original "Ben 10" show from 2005, not the reboot from 2016. The character Ben Tennyson from the title show of "Ben 10" was voiced by Tara Strong and was created by Man of Action.

While the Alpha Time Clone of Mark Evans Zeta waited, he started to muse about himself in general and about this timeline. Waiting for things to happen was his favorite pastime; it was shared by all time clones belonging to the Council of Mark Evans Zetas. This included the Mark Evans Zeta whom was recently freed from the time loop that was separated from the tournament of infinite chaos. Mark Evans Zeta's personal time loop of torture was created by the future Mark Evans Prime himself.

This current timeline allowed for many caveats that were controlled quite secretively by the leader of the council of Mark Evans Zetas. He prided on calling himself Samarkvan, the Supreme Leader of Chaos and Destruction. Anyone from the Zeta World Line who tried to disclose its information and grant permission to another being from another timeline would be erased from existence. Only the Council of Mark Evans Zetas, and non-time clones who existed in the freed versions of the Zeta World line had true power. They seemed to have the power to reveal its true nature as they were the mastermind of a collective whole and were behind its creation and ruling.

At the battlefront, Rose thought of a last-ditch effort to save her boyfriend and future fiancé Mark Evans Prime. She would need the other tournament participants to come to her aid. She rapidly sent them a message to come and they answered her call with extreme gusto.

Every new ally Rose had just gotten formulated a combined plan thanks to a conjoined telepathic link Rose created. They instantly teleported to Rose's location, thanks to her Eonoe powers. Together they joined forces with Rose Prime, Jack Prime, and Steve Prime. With their combined powers and abilities, they forcefully broke the bubble surrounding Mark Evans Prime and awoke him from his unconscious slumber.

Mark Evans Prime was caught up to speed with what happened through the process of a copy of everyone's collective memories; they all belonged to his allies of course.

Mark Evans Zeta was furious because Mark Prime was finally awake. His plan had failed. He can now lose. While screaming and clenching his fists till he bled, he created massive amounts of teleportation portals. He sent the collective amount of his supremely powerful robot army straight to this battlefield. A battle for the sake of all realities and timelines was about to unfold.

End of Part Four

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