Chapter Eleven Time - Time Tells No Lies, Especially in the Bleach Anime

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It's Barricade Invasion Time

Mark Evans Zeta

One male native flew out of the sky and arrived in front of Mark Evans Zeta and Rose. He looked about seven feet five, had a large, protruding stomach, a big bushy crimson beard that reached his chest, thick and wide bushy eyebrows, and a waxed handlebar mustache.

"Welcome back Rose, it's a really bad time for this but welcome back. Because of this invasion I've been depressed and didn't feel like working out so now I look like this. I was worried about you. Who is your guest? He is not welcome here. The Invasion has stopped intergalactic travel and has made a barricade on anything that can make portals to other worlds, Eonoe included. There are quite a few of them who are shackled here as prisoners of war."

"Uncle Zarrock, what's happened to you, you look horrible. I didn't know how this could've happened. Forget about Fyra Blacksteel and the Annihilator, this is way more important. This help that I've brought into this mess is named Mark Evans, he's a Gozaxean Zolkgathion hybrid from Planet Earth. He has his origins spread directly to the two planets known as Planet Z and Planet Gozax. He was also given the powers of an Eonoe to become a Gozaxean Zolkgathion Eonoe. He is on the good side like me. I believe that he is the second of his kind with me being the first. There can't possibly be others, they either hide their existence or don't exist at all. I chose Mark to come here but it's all my fault. I don't want to get killed. I want to fight back." Rose then activated her Gozaxean Transformation and a lightning elemental humanoid of her own began to envelop her like an exoskeleton.

"You see her struggles don't you, dear doppelganger of mine? This invasion has happened because of the shifting of the timeline. It has accelerated, instead of happening in five years it is happening now. The two of us have similar interests, yet we have different goals. We both just want our futures to have meaning. Mark Evans Zeta mused to himself inside Mark Prime's mind. He would relay these memories to Mark Evans Prime later when he woke up from his own comatose state he was currently in after intense training.

"Because Mark is here, I feel I am not alone anymore. I can finally be free to do whatever I want if he is by my side. I will beat you alien invaders for I have a necessary end goal. I want to return all the lost Gozaxean Zolkgathions who have been brainwashed. I want to be free from despair." Rose was holding back intense tears. Her exoskeleton faltered and that was enough time for the Rubic-Cubions to put a restraining collar on her and Mark Prime. She clenched her hand and out of it came flickered remnants of electrical sparks that dropped to the grassy plains. The grass started to smolder. She screamed as the restraining collar used her own electricity against her and overloaded her system till, she passed out.

Mark Evans Zeta paused time only for himself so he could think. No other Eonoe could enter this space unless they were stronger than him. She thinks she can stop the world from having despair. What a foolish girl. There is no escape from the reality of despair when I have a role as its progenitor. I am the source of all chaos and disruption.

He laughed inwardly and resumed the flow of time to willingly be trapped by the Rubic-Cubions and then hear what the man known as Zarrock will say in captivity.

"Heh-Heh-Heh... why don't you all have a chat in your new home. It's quieter, and you can explain everything there to nobody who cares. Thank you, Mark, for accompanying this nice lady for experimentation." Cubic-Wanda had an evil smirk on her ogress face. Then she held out open arms and grabbed Rose then restrained Mark with a similar collar and took him as well to follow her inside the new purgatory that was split-cell confinement. Mark Zeta spoke as he was grunting in fake pain. He was so powerful that he neutralized the collar placed on him with his own uniquely powerful abilities. He hid behind a falsetto voice to hide his devious nature.

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