What do you do with a Drunken Sailor?! Dragonoid Versus the Ranger

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Allspice Eslanor

"They Took our jobs Der-Dah-Der-Der-Der" Der's older, prettier, and smarter sister, even more so than DC Universe's TV Counterpart in the Live Action Titans Show known as Donna Troy. She shouted as she whacked him with a fireball magic attack. She made a horrible pun of Der's name while quoting a tie-in inhumane and incredulous reference from a TV show at the same time. Der's sister was copying a famous line from South Park on TV which was created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Der had no frame of reference as he wasn't allowed to watch TV, only his sister could watch. For she had magical powers and could construct one easily with creation magic. Only those with magic, and by using the law of equivalent exchange on the creation magic trade market, could one have the necessary components of making and thereby owning a TV.

Der was a blunt, one cursed in some way to not have any magic powers and therefore couldn't construct a TV for him to own in the first place.

"Shut Up Allspice, just because you can do magic does not mean you're better than me, I can still kick your flower smelling behind all the way to Tu-Duk-Tu." Der Agon Eslanor was angry. He had a right to be upset. Being a blunt, one cursed to have no magic, was even worse than a child born out of wedlock. It was especially bad that he was a Dragonoid, they were prided on their immense magical prowess.

"Well you're getting exiled in about five seconds, so I suggest you leave before our parents, the Dragonoid King and Queen, catch you and you're still here." Allspice growled. She was the firstborn, next in line to the throne, her dumb, secondborn, brother was just a colossal waste of space down the totem pole of kingships and nobles.

Allspice was eight feet tall in her base Dragonoid form and Der was just a measly five-feet-two runt of the litter. He was spry, lightweight and athletic out of compensation for being a blunt. He was also extremely dumb, and super annoying.

Allspice was cunning and devious, she had found a way to steal her younger and stupider brothers' innate talent for magic while he was still in the womb, she had cursed him and made him into a blunt. Their shared birthdays were today, the first day of the month of Kislevas. He was younger by exactly sixteen years and Allspice was currently thirty-two.

Allspice kept this secret, of power stealing, to herself and stole Der's abilities so that she can enhance her own natural prowess. Only through trial by combat could Der ever hope to get his stolen magic back. And he had to first know that his magic was stolen in the first place before he could challenge Allspice to get it back. It was all in the stipulations that her spell of magic absorption costed. If Der found out about the secrets that Allspice hid from him then his body would have a secretive transformation that he could control at will, to grow into the form or stay in his five-feet-two pimple faced self. He would grow to the intended size of twelve-feet-tall with his strength, overall natural athletic abilities, and battle prowess rapidly increased in proportion to his new size. He would also have his common sense, handsomeness, and intelligence restored. This was the extreme cost that notified Allspice that the battle between her and Der was about to begin, but she was only notified if she saw his transformation in public firsthand.

If Der had then won the trial by combat then he would naturally know how to use his magic without prior knowledge, and time would be altered so that he would be the firstborn child while Allspice would become the younger sister. Her memories would be erased, and it would be like she reincarnated. He would not have to reincarnate as part of the deal. He would then have all of Allspice's powers and all his natural abilities combined in a newer and more powerful form.

What Allspice did for power and strength came at a great price but if she found a way to end her brother's life in secret without any repercussions then her powers would belong to her forever. Allspice couldn't try to kill Der until he was of age and turned eighteen in two years' time. If he managed to get his magic and intended true form before then, Allspice will face her doom, she feared it all so much that she had nightmares about it every night...

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