Freak the Freak Out Un-Victoriously "Pip-Pip and Doodly-Doo!"

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Rose Zeta

"I'm such a freaking loser," Rose Zeta screamed out to no one in particular, she was content with living in her dreamscape. Both her parents from the Zeta world line and Zarrock Zeta, were in the room sitting on chairs while waiting quietly to comfort her. They were all in Zarrock's guest house in Rose's own private Dreamscape, an escape from the escape, a Dreamception.

Zarrock accidentally let out sounds and vibrations while he was twiddling his fingers and they burst into the closed room with a resounding crack, like compressed air being pumped out like shotgun shells. A few glass windows shattered from the sound wavelength and vibrational resonance.

"Relax Rose, everyone eventual goes through their first breakup. Although having a breakup with a girlfriend-fiancé can happen, it still is a bit unsettling when it does," her mom said, smothering him with a warm hug. She smelled of jasmine scented with a hint of citrus fruit, a smell that made Rose Zeta, in the body of Mark Zeta, feel a bit better as did being embraced in the motherly hug.

Rose cried in her Mother's arms and her tears were filled with a back-ended source of electrical energy that surged through her mom's nice floral sweater, singeing it a little. She didn't even cause the breakup; it was all Mark Prime's fault.

"Please calm down Rose or shall we call you Mark from now on," her father said. "That's your mom's favorite sweater. I know this because I picked it out for her when we went clothing shopping a few months back. Besides, crying about this whole breakup will only make things worse. Lighten up a little, son. Go shock yourself back to your senses and get a new girlfriend. Girls are everywhere. They practically grow on trees," he said with the most epic fail of crowd control he could muster. His words only half-affected Rose who now wanted to go by Mark as that was her newly stolen transgendered name.

Mark Zeta/Rose Zeta and his/her mom glared at Amira. Mark stopped crying for just a moment during this emotional nuance.

Zarrock started talking out of nowhere. "Allow me to interrupt this squall. I will talk to you about Rose Prime's state at this time. I found out from reliable sources during a phone call from my wife Vickie "Vic" Daniella, the daughter of the restaurant chain guru Bernard David Stone AKA Bennie D's, that Rose has escaped with Mark Prime and Raziel Aurto. She is currently hiding out in her secret base and has blocked your connection with her so you can't mind meld and enslave her again. So, it's best for you, dear niece, I mean nephew, whatever I don't care, Mark Zeta, to stay out of this. Maybe you should explore the town to pass the time. There are great scenic views that are too good to pass up now during the summer. One such location is a science laboratory nearby. Go check it out when you've calmed down. I hope you will feel better. I bid you all adieu and give you my best regards."

Zarrock took his leave after a quick bow and went to a different part of the house to get a well needed drink of Tennessee honey whiskey. He needed something strong to deal with this whole unpleasant experience.

"Mark we're only a room away if you need us. Come Creatorus, and stop looking at Mark weirdly, it's not like you haven't seen his newly gained sister, Amy Prime, have a hissy fit and sink into a drunken despair after going through a breakup herself."

Amira dragged Creatorus the ear, pulling him quickly out of the room.

Hmm... So, my sister Amy had broken up with boyfriends before and fallen into a drunken stupor as a result. That is so typical of her. I should calm down myself. Maybe I will go to the Laboratory at night. First, I'll go to the bathroom and wash my face, then get some food.

After thinking things over and mulling around for a bit over the day's events, Mark Prime finally did what he set out to do. That night Mark put on his leather jacket and cowboy boots and decided to go check out the science laboratory.

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