Chapter 12 Breakfast of losers Tuesday September Third, 2115 7:05 A.M

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"Mark-Mark-Mark" I felt a nudge. "Hey, wake up, it's time for school" Hey that doesn't sound like a demon, what's going on. I felt a tugging on my arm and felt like I was falling.

I jolted awake and found myself on the floor on top of my sister Amy. She looked mad.

"I don't feel like getting up so why bother" I groggily replied, I was too tired to move off Amy. Amy started shifting underneath; she looked like she would explode in my face.

"Hey, get off me Mark" Amy grabbed my right arm then flipped me over to the ground; she then had me in a clutch hold on the ground "Don't do that again you jerk".

Amy got off me and lifted me up with one arm.

I let her put me in a clutch hold, after all I can easily beat her with no contest. But I was still tired, so I didn't bother.

"I just woke up you know. I was having a cool dream. It was with a Demon monster or something. I was about to beat it up but then I woke up. I was like hiyaa and wahoo and kachow right over that lame mummy lizard and showed him whose boss".

I was jumping around the room demonstrating my attacks with my inflatable punching bag. It was a limited-edition Spiderman punching bag signed by Tom Holland himself. I even have a picture of him standing next to the punching bag and signing his name on it. It's a little grainy but you could totally tell its Tom Holland.

"Stop your yapping, you have to go downstairs, or you'll be late for your first day at the school we're infiltrating. Brook's south high school for the gifted and mentally unchallenged students"

Amy grabbed my arm and dragged me to get downstairs; I still had my pajamas on.

"Hey, I'm still wearing pajamas you jerk."

I wrestled out of her grip and had my shirt taken off in the process. I ran back into my room and changed into jeans and a Spiderman tee-shirt. I'm totally addicted to Spiderman; He is my idol. Even though he can shoot webs, jump high, climb buildings, and totally could punch the lights out of anybody with his bare hands in just a few seconds I'm sure I can beat him.

I ran downstairs into the kitchen; I wolfed down a protein bar and took my book-bag. Mom, Dad, and Amy were eating their selfishly made breakfast this time. They had their whole grain plain cheerios with strawberries and milk in a bowl next to multigrain toast topped with light fat free vegetable cream cheese. They also had their classic English tea in their fancy mugs which had their faces on them; courtesy of mom's best friend Nancy. Dad was reading the paper, Mom was watching the news on the mounted T.V on the wall, and Amy was doing something on her smartphone. The breakfast they were eating was the same breakfast they always had every day.

I hate cream cheese, and I hate plain cheerios with strawberries in milk. They just want me to starve for breakfast with a stupid protein bar I have whenever there is no food for me since cooking is my sworn enemy. I still can't cook without starting a huge fire. Even with all this training I still can't do everything right.

"Mom can you pretty please with chocolate fondue on top of red apples take me to school" I tried to sweet talk her but this sweet talking of mine never works.

"Here are directions that I printed out for you; it's only a few blocks so use your feet" Mom said as she totally ignored what I was saying. I could see that her eyes had a wicked gleam in them. Her mouth was also parted ever so slightly to show off her gleefully evil smile. The way she looks at me now is always the same way she uses whenever she beats me with her mind games. Her finger ever so slightly pointed to the instructions that were on top of the printer. It's right next to the computer on a separate nook in the kitchen. The pages were stapled even though there were only four of them. "I made sure that the way to get home is on there too so don't tell me you're late because you got lost later alright, don't even think about throwing them out because I will know".

Demon Chronicles Book 1 The Parallel Frontier Of RealityWhere stories live. Discover now