The Alphabet Timeline Chapter Bonus Round. Want to Play Again?

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"Wake up Mark it's your birthday" I felt arms moving me, I ignored them until they started getting a bit rough.

"Just a few more minutes, it's just my tenth birthday wake me up again when I'm a hundred, then I'll really get out of bed"

'Argh I can't wait ninety years, by that time that would make me an old grandma" I opened my eyes a glisten and could see Amy staring at me, she was pouting.

"At least you can count, now be a good dear and get me some juice" I sat upright in my bed.

"Don't give me that rubbish, you very well know that your juice that I give you every morning since you were three years old is on your dresser, now move your butt and get it yourself, or do I have to make you get it, I'll tell mom on you so you better bust your chops and climb out of your bed or I'm going to spill your juice in the sink"

"Alright-Alright I'll get It, it was just a birthday joke, I get one every year remember, I won the game that one time what was it my birthday four years ago, when I was six"

"Yes, I remember, stupid annoying little brat, how you are so good at playing Demon fighters versus Angel warriors on the Game Sphere 9001 I'll never know, now get out of bed already or I'll start counting."

I immediately sprung out of bed before she could even move her mouth to position her lips to utter the word one. I grabbed the glass of pure, not from concentrate, orange juice and gulped it down. I put the glass down and wiped the orange droplets off my face.

"Heh time for some birthday training, I dropped to the floor in my pajamas and did ten push-ups in a rapid pace, one for every year-old I was. I did this routine for the past three years and so far, it was going well, I wonder what's the max number of pushups I'll do on my last birthday, it doesn't matter too much through. I don't worry too much about death, living is what counts the most, that's what dad always says.

"Now get dressed and come downstairs, your lame egg, mushroom, and onion omelet will get cold. Dad made it special. He even got you a red velvet sprinkled donut." Amy stood there waiting for my response.

"Yay donuts, now go out so I can change" I said. Amy then got out and closed the door behind her.

I quickly got dressed in a polo shirt and jeans, put on my sneakers and took out my lucky monster fang necklace from my drawer and put it around my neck. I was ready to get the day started.

I got out of the room in a heartbeat and went downstairs. The smell of my omelet was wafting in the air, it smelled good. I really love dad's cooking. Too bad I didn't inherit that skill. I can't cook for my life without starting a huge fire. I don't let the inability to cook get me down. I'm good at fighting and smart, enough to get a free ride to college.

I entered the kitchen and my mouth drooled as I saw my nice fluffy mushroom and onion omelet, there were even French fries on the side, Amy must have kept that a secret. I took out the barbeque sauce and slathered it all over the omelet and fries. I saw dad give me the look. He made all that good food only for it to be ruined, in his opinion, with barbeque sauce.

"Uh sorry Dad, can you just let this slide for my birthday just this once" I gave him my fake sorrowful eyes.

"Each year since you were three, I have let you eat my food with barbeque sauce so this doesn't change the fact that you can eat it, who am I to say what you can and cannot eat. Go ahead eat that ruined creation that I so marvelously made" Dad said as he pulled out a napkin and was wiping away imaginary tears.

"Give it a rest dear, let him eat his plate of egg sauce" said mom who was just sitting at the table while reading the newspaper. I could see that it was upside-down and that she was stifling a laugh. She was enjoying Dad's antics a little too much.

"As you wish my dear wife, I shall follow your command, now Mark just eat your horrid eggs.

"Yeah uh-huh" I said with my mouth full of eggs and fries. I finished my eggs slowly, savoring each bite of delicious barbequed goodness.

When I was finished, I put my plate in the sink.

"Everyone there is something I have to tell you" Dad said as I sat back down on my chair.

"What is It this time, some sort of new training routine, or maybe one of your new marvelous food creations" I said sarcastically.

"No nothing like that" Dad said obliviously "I recently found out about this mysterious person known as Dr. Hans Gerald Schmidt Wonderweisz, the Headmaster at Brook's South High School for the Gifted and Mentally Unchallenged Students. Apparently, he has found a way to make artificial mist organs. The way is through using stem cells from children born from Parents exiled from Planet Z. I've decided that I want to investigate this strange occurrence. I even got someone to help with the beginning, his name is Bradley Hensworth and he's a cyborg. But first things first what we now need to do is to infiltrate this school and find out more of this place.

"And what does this have to do with us" Amy said "Go ahead and check out this lame school for lame people and see if I care. I have a social life that I'm not about to lose here" Amy then crossed her arms and made a scowl.

"Well I'll need Mark's help for this one, he is young enough to make the transition and be inconspicuous, he only needs to fight people and get kicked out of schools for about five years. That should be enough to catch Headmaster Wonderweisz's eyes and allow Mark to enter the school"

"Get kicked out of school, awe man now I'll have to make new friends and everything every single time, but at least this gives me an excuse to train my fighting skills to prepare for the real world so I can fight monsters like the ones that you used to fight Dad"

"Well I really don't want Mark to turn into some hooligan after we worked so hard to raise him" Mom said. "All our efforts will go to waste"

"Yeah right, what effort, he's still a goofball in my eyes, that's considered to be a delinquent right mommy" said Amy with disdain.

"Don't worry dear, you'll be included too, don't try and belittle our hard work even if it's just for attention" Dad spoke in a serious manner.

"Attention, me I don't need attention, I just want to be left alone" Amy said with a huff. Her cheeks got a little flushed.

"I know you want some, I'll even let you go instead of me" I said with a snicker.

"Argh, ok you're right I want attention, you got me, but don't make yourself think that I really want some of the action even though I really want some. Don't be such a know-it-all you little jerk"

"Mom, dad" Me and Amy said in unison. "You started it" We both said pointing our index finger at each other.

"Enough" Mom and Dad said with their voices raised. "The conversation is over. Now both of you, go to school now"

"Yes Dad, Yes Mom' Me and Amy both said quietly. We both trudged along and left the house.

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