Chapter Two: Enter the Fourth Dimension - Mark Evans Prime

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Mark felt like he was enclosed in a maximum-security prison, he was really surrounded by a very vast and open brightly lit void. He couldn't do anything but think about the encounter with Fyra Blacksteel, so he started walking aimlessly without any sense of direction. He didn't feel the need to eat, sleep, drink, or relieve himself.

In this fourth dimensional prison the light source that surrounded him was pure white space. He walked aimlessly on the flat surface on which he stood; it stretched endlessly in either direction. It was a space of scope and magnitude he couldn't possibly comprehend.

Unexpectedly, Mark saw something that would greatly change the course of his existence in this fourth dimensional prison. It was a sign displayed in the air, and on the sign was lettering in the English alphabet, which was quite miraculous in fact.

The sign said, "Welcome to the realm of the Eonoe."

While looking at this sign Mark had a eureka moment. He was in a new space, and a new space meant new beginnings. He could start over in this so-called realm of the Eonoe.

Mark's spirits started to lift after he saw that message floating in the air. Suddenly, a dimensional rift large enough to fit a person appeared. Two arms and a head full of dark brown curly hair came into being through the rift. Gradually, the rift fully opened and revealed a teenage girl that looked to be around Mark's own age.

The girl was tall, almost as tall as Mark, and quite muscular and fit even compared to an average male. She had olive skin which paired well with her shoulder length dark brown curly hair. She also had freckles all along her nose, cheeks, and arms.

"Hey, my name is Rose Green, what's yours?" Rose said while staring at Mark as if he was a TV show. It turned out she had a justifiable reason. Mark was still in his transformed state, clutching both large broadswords in his hands. He realized he had no idea how to shift back to normal, so he just imagined what it would be like if that happened. Then a bright flash of light shot from Mark's left hand and suddenly he reverted to being at least partially normal.

"Geez Louise, that kid is so weird! I wonder if he's normally able to control his Gozaxean Transformation like me," Rose thought to herself, biting her top lip.

Mark was still six foot five, several inches taller than he used to be., and he still had horns protruding from his head and his barbed tail was sticking out from a hole in his pants. He looked to be as fit as his personal trainer Enka. All those training exercises he did to unlock his hidden potential finally unlocked his true inner strength. He realized that his transformation was due to his encounter with Fyra Blacksteel and the Annihilator. He remembered that Fyra Blacksteel had called his transformation a Gozaxean Transformation.

Then Mark began to panic. What If I can't change back into that form again? I need to transform again just in case there is danger!

With this thought deeply wedged in his mind, Mark reverted into a Gozaxean transformed state and panicked again.

'Finally, this kid can shift back to somewhat normal. Too bad he has no idea how to fully control his Gozaxean Transformation," Rose thought with a silent smirk.

Maybe this was a fluke, Mark thought, freaking out. Who knows if I can control this power to defend myself?

And again, Mark turned back to partially normal with the horns and tail combo. He still couldn't figure out how to turn back to being completely normal. After a few times of panicking, transforming, and turning back to partially normal, Mark finally calmed down. Then he wondered what caused his transformation to occur. He thought that he was completely normal.

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