Part Two Enter the Prime World Line - Chapter One:

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Bad Beginnings to a Boring and Meaningless Day

Mark Evans Prime

Life's meaningless without change. Too bad I can't do anything about that Mark Evans thought as he sprinted out another lap. He and his personal trainer Enka were working out at the park today since the end-of-the-school-year-weather was so nice. Mark was a mildly obese, light-brown-mixed-with-bronze-skinned, half African American, half Japanese American, teen with spiky, bleached, blond dreadlocks, and major overeating problems. He hated being fat and knew he desperately needed to lose the excess. His sister Amy constantly harangued him for being overweight and his father and mother both scolded him for overeating. So, Mark self-scolded himself to shape up and work out with Enka daily.

"C'mon Marky-Mark-Bro-Bro, just one more lap from this pole to that one, then some boxing jabs, uppercuts, hooks, and straights all around the block while walking. After your whole workout circuit is over you can take an Uber home. Don't worry about the social media side of things; I'll film the workout on your phone to put on your Instagram Fitness Page," Enka said as he took the phone from Mark and got ready to film the experience.

"Yeah Enka, buddy, I know. I got this," Mark said, chest heaving. "Just give me a few more seconds to catch my breath." Dropping his hands to his knees he bent over, ignoring the sweat dripping off his forehead and splashing onto the tops of his Nikes.

"Just relax, Bro-Bro," Enka laughed, showing off a perfect set of pearly whites. "You know what you need to do to achieve your goals. It's what your mom is paying me for; to kick your butt and try to get you jacked up like me. So that's what I'm going to do." He looked down, checking a text message on his phone.

"Fine, I guess," Mark responded in a very non-committal way. Then he finished his workout on camera. Mark uploaded it with the hashtag "Going Beyond Beast Mode" and then took an Uber home.

When he got home, he showered and got on some fresh clothes while thinking of this last, long and boring day of sophomore year in high school. It was now six p.m., time to eat. He binged watched several anime episodes from different series while he ate. One was his favorite Japanese show called One Piece. Soon it was close to ten p.m. and Mark realized his parents and Amy, his seventeen-year-old sister weren't home yet.

After watching so much TV he was bored with it so decided to go for a nice, quick, jog in the neighborhood. After a few minutes under the illuminating stars above, Mark noticed someone was tailing him. His thoughts started racing. I have no phone, no wallet, no self-identification, or anything of value besides my thirty-dollar-Timex-watch and Nike training shoes. They wouldn't get anything of value. It was very stupid of him not to bring any ID, but he didn't care. Mark liked being free from the shackles of life whenever possible. Things like IDs were a constant reminder of life imprisonment in the real world.

"Hey Kid, heh-heh-heh, can I borrow a few dollars for the bus?" A feminine voice sounded from several feet back inside an alleyway. A young adult, Japanese American, woman appeared from the shadows and stood under the light of a streetlamp. She wore fingerless black gloves with gems inlaid on each of the five lower and middle knuckles, twenty in total, and she had an additional gem placed right between her knuckles and her wrist, one for each hand. Her dark blue lipstick and deep red eyeshadow along with the deep crimson up-spiked Mohawk with blue streaks added more color and shine. Her ears, eyebrows, and nose sported pure gold piercings.

"Get the freak away from me, I don't have any money or a phone; you can have my watch and shoes, but that's all I have," Mark said frantically.

"That's such a shame Mark; you are a stupid, fat, weak, moronic loser. What you don't realize is that even your organs and other body parts like an eyeball or kidney will sell for a high price on the Gozaxean Zolkgathion black market."

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